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Next day :

Taehyung woke up and sat straight he smiled looking at the little girl who was sleeping in his arms with a little pout on her cherry lips , he leaned closer to her face and pecked her lips. He got up from bed and went towards the bathroom.

After some minutes Taehyung come out while wiping his hairs with towel , he looked at her sleeping figure he smirked and threw the towel aside .

"Don't pretend little, i know you're awake"
He said going closer to her.

Her breathe hitched, she slowly opened her eyes and saw him coming near her , she sat grabbed the duvet and covered it on her whole body , she's totally inside the duvet.

He chuckled on her act, like seriously? 'She thinks this little duvet is gonna save her no my love you can't hide from me ! '

"Do you really think this duvet can save you from me??"

Hearing his deep husky tone, her grip on the duvet became more stronger...

And the next minute he pulled it and removed from her body making her flinched hard, she looks at him with her wide eyes.

He went closer to her but she slides away, he grabbed her ankle and pull her towards him, he sat down on the bed and forcelly made her sit on his lap , she tried to get away from his grip but he glare at her and tightened his grip.

Her eyes got teary , he tugged her hairs behind her ears as they were blocking his view , he looked at her with softness in his eyes , she look at him with her pleading eyes .

"P-please leave m-me" she uttered

But he smashed his lips on her and start kissing her in aggressive way , he start biting her lips after kissing her in a rough way he let her go.

"Next time these words should not come out of your mouth, Understand?" He said with his cold tone.

He kissed her cheek and was about to attack her lips again but she moved her face away , he was about to shout at her but she said

"I-i" she uttered

"What?" He softly asks, he wanted to hear her.

"I want to bath" she said in a low tone.

"Come let's bath " he said with a smirk.

"Huh" she looked at him with wide eyes.

"Come let's bath together" he said and bits her earlobe.

Shiver run down her spine hearing his words she said "B-but you al-ready-" before she could complete..

"No i don't have any problem in bathing again, when it is with my angel " he said and smirked
" Come let's go" he said
Hearing him goosebumps arrived in her body.

As he grabbed her waist and start dragging her towards the bathroom

"N-no please" she said with tears in her eyes.

Poor girl, she really thought he was going to take a bath with her, he was just teasing her, he just wanted to see what will be her reaction.

Taehyung opened the door of bathroom, then he looks at yn who was shivering and scared, he pushed her inside and close the door , he didn't went inside he was standing out.

As he pushed her , she was about to cry but after realising that he's not with her , she sigh in relief.

Then Taehyung said from the opposite side of the door " You have 15 minutes, then come downstairs for breakfast"

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