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Author's pov :

The taxi stops in front of a bus station, Yn gets down but she had no money to give the driver so she takes off the diamond bracelet from her hand and uses it.

"I'm sorry i don't have money but this is so expensive please " yn said while requesting him and gave him the bracelet.

The taxi driver nodded his head and she thanked him.

She starts walking not knowing where she's going, she looks around but no one was there as it's very late of night, all the shops are closed and there were only few vehicles on the road.

Soon, dark clouds appear in the clear sky, indicating the onset of rain, and she starts rubbing her hands over her shoulders, feeling the cold wild lightly caressing her body.

It is becoming difficult for her to walk in that heavy gown and heels, she stopped and sits on a nearby table. She heard a very strong lightning which made her flinched hard and after a second it starts raining.

Her tears was mixing with the drops of water on her face, She gulped looking at her surrounding, it was raining and lightning heavily and the gusts of strong wind were scaring her. She immediately got up from the table and start walking more like running.

Her eyes sparkled when she felt the light coming from a nearby shop, she went towards that shop and saw a lady in her 50s.

The lady got shocked seeing a girl who was completely drenched in water because of rain, not a single person was there except her and yn, she opened her umbrella and went towards yn.

"Who are you, what are you doing here?"
The lady asked to yn

"I-im yn" yn said while shivering in rain

"What are you doing here in this rain"
The lady said looking at her shivering figure

"I'm.. I don't know, please help me" yn said and sobbed

"Come here" she said to yn and took yn inside her shop, she gave her a towel so yn could clean herself

"Can i ask you a question" the lady said

"Yes?" Yn said

"Have you run away from your wedding?"
The lady asked

Yn gulp and nodded her head with tears in her eyes.

"H-how did you know?" Yn asked

"By looking at your dress" the lady said and stood up from her chair

She took some keys in her hands and looks at yn "are you going somewhere or what? I have to close the shop and go home" said the lady

"I don't know where to go and which place is this" yn said

"It's xxx place" the lady said

Yn nodded and stood up

"Where are you going?" The lady asked her

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