A New Friend

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    Violet laid her back on the changing table. She hadn't been on one of these since she was two years old and the plastic was cold on her back and legs. The lady untapped her diaper and pulled it back. Violet winced a little at the chill of the air. The lady removed the girl's soiled diaper, and began taping on a replacement. "Why do I have to wear a diaper?" She asked. "Because, you were hurt in the crash, and you have trouble holding your pee." The woman asked, with a dull look plastered on her face. "These diapers hurt." She complained. "You'll learn to deal with it over time." The woman answered coldly. The lady placed the final tape, and lifted Violet off the changing table. She helped her get her pants back on, before escorting her back to the office.

    "A man is going to be coming. You'd better be on your best behavior, little lady." The woman ordered, grumpily as they walked down the hallway. Violet hardly paid attention, she was too distracted by all the other stuff going on around the office.

    Violet sat in the office chair, as she quietly played with her stuffed bear. The click of the doorknob caught her attention, as a tall, blonde man walked inside. His arms were big and strong but his face was kind and loving. Violet hardly noticed the resemblance to her father. "Ah, you must be Mr. Thomson." The lady smiled at the man. "Yes, ma'am." He nodded respectfully. "Please, take a seat." She motioned to the chair across from her. The man sat down and placed his hand on the desk. Violet stopped listening as they discussed grown up stuff. She was far too occupied with her bear. Pretty soon, she got bored, and found herself looking outside the window at the passing cars. She sat there, trying to quietly count to herself how many blue cars there were. Blue was her favorite color. "Okay, we will see you in court then." The lady held out her hand as he took it and shook firmly shook it. "Do you mind if I speak with her?" He asked. "Oh, not at all." The lady smiled. The man turned and walked over to her before kneeling down and looking into her eyes. His eyes were a pretty mix of blue and green with a magical kindness that enchanted his gaze. "What's your name?" He asked kindly, and genuinely. "Violet." She answered. His loving smile broadened slightly. "What's your name?" Violet asked in her cute little voice. "I'm Carter." His caring gaze eased the nervousness. "I like your bear." He complemented. Violet looked down at the stuffed bear in her lap. "This is Mr. Fuzzy, my mama gave him to me." She held her toy up with pride. Carter laughed a little, before taking the bear's stuffed hand and shaking it. "Nice to meet you too, Mr. Fuzzy." Carter and Violet talked for a little while longer, about favorite foods, movies, school, and everything in between. When mister Carter had to leave, Violet was sad to see him go. "Will I get to see Mister Carter again?" Violet asked, with a hint of sorrow. "Yes. You will be seeing him a lot, very soon."

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