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   Carter darted out to the living room, where he heard Violet crying. Hector was kneeling down by her side, trying to look at her hand that she had cradled. "What happened!?" He demanded to know. "I- I-" She sputtered incoherently. "I was sharpening my knives, I had one set on the stand right here and when I wasn't looking she cut herself." Hector explained. Remorse and guilt could be heard. Carter knelt down next to Violet, who was still crying. "Here, let me see it baby." He cooed, trying to calm the distressed girl. She held out her bloodied hand. Carter examined the mid sized cut. It was about two inches long across her palm and just deep enough to bleed. "Is she alright?" Hector asked with more concern than Carter had ever heard from him. "Yes. Go to your room please." Carter instructed. "But-" "Please, just go." Carter snapped. Hector grabbed the knife off the stand and walked to his room with his head hanging low. "You alright, Vi?" Carter tried to calm the little girl. She sniffled. "Ye- yeah I think so." She nodded, wiping the last of the tears from her eyes. "Ok, I'm going to go talk to Hector for a minute, I'll be back in a second baby." He set her on the couch, before walking to Hector's room.

    Carter opened the door slowly, before sticking his head in. "Can I come in?" He asked calmly. Hector only responded with a slight head nod. Carter walked in and took a seat on the bed next to Hector. Hector just kept staring at the bloody knife in his hands, with a look of guilt painted on his face. "Bro, I'm sorry I got mad at you. I apologize." Carter began. Hector just sat there in silence, so Carter continued. "I know you're not used to having little kids running around the house, and it's my fault for not warning you about this sort of thing." Carter put an arm around Hector, who still refused to speak. "I hope you can forgive me." Carter finished. "I'm sorry. It's just common sense that you don't let kids around knives." Hector sighed. "You shouldn't have to tell me." Hector shook his head. "Please don't let your sister get ahold of any of your knives, k?" Carter requested. Hector just nodded. "Come here, bro." Carter said, before pulling Hector into a reluctant hug. Hector didn't hug him back, but Carter could tell he was enjoying it.

    Violet sat on the bathroom counter as Henry bandaged her wound. "It hurt really badly." Violet finished the tale of how she cut her hand. "Yeah, I'm sure it did. You gotta be careful with knives, ok Peanut?" Henry explained in a gentle voice. "Ok." Violet responded in her usual, cheery voice. Henry helped her off the counter, before checking her pull up. He pressed a finger into the front of it, and felt it squish. "You need your diaper changed?" Henry asked. "Yes, please." Was Violet's response. Henry ruffled her hair a bit, before going and retrieving a pull up from her bedroom. He returned, and closed the door behind him. He helped the toddler out of her dress, before laying her on the floor and ripping the sides of her pull up. "Wow, you really wet this one. Didn't you little princess?" Henry smiled lovingly. Violet giggled in response. He cleaned her up, before helping her into her dry pull up and leaving the bathroom.

    Hector sat quietly on the couch, thinking deeply. Next thing he knew, Violet had leapt onto him, embracing him in an unexpected hug. Hector was surprised at his sister's loving attitude, and soon he found himself cuddling her. "I love you, Hector." She said in a kind and genuine voice. "I love you too, Violet." He whispered softly into her ear.

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