Better Days to Come

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    As the family sat at the table eating dinner, no one dared to say a word. Violet sat there in silence, not speaking a single word to anyone. Carter and Henry occasionally glanced at each other, then back at Violet. Glen clearly wanted to say something to help comfort the grievous child, but he didn't know what to say. "I'm not super hungry." Hector announced abruptly, before getting up from the table and walking to his room. Glen finally opened his mouth to speak, but stopped himself. Violet sniffled, as a little tear trickled down her cheek. "Violet-" "Please don't talk to me." William was cut off by his younger sibling. He nodded a little. "Ok." Violet felt herself wetting in her pull up. She didn't care, she wasn't in the mood to announce her accident.

    Later that night, Carter was sitting on the couch. Violet was curled up in a ball, sleeping on his lap. It was a long day for this poor girl, she needed the rest. Carter couldn't help but run his hand over her blonde, wavy hair. She muttered in her sleep, before shifting slightly. Henry walked out into the living room. "Carter, it's midnight, why aren't you in bed?" Henry asked. He shook his head. "She needs me." Carter said, more to himself than anyone else. Henry sat down on the couch next to him. "I'll take her." He said, holding out his arms. "No, you need sleep." Carter objected. "Dude, you didn't sleep yesterday either, go to bed." Henry said firmly. Carter knew it wasn't a good idea to cross Henry, so he obliged. He handed Violet over to Henry, before getting up and walking to bed. Violet's eyes opened slightly, as she muttered something. "Shh, shh. Go to sleep, peanut." Henry cooed, as he gently held the sleeping toddler.

    Carter laid down in his bed. The exhaustion of the day hit him like a truck, as he stared up at the ceiling. Henry was right, he'd have to work tomorrow and needed as much sleep as he could get. He closed his eyes, and let the sleep wash over him, as it all went dark.

    Violet awoke in the morning, to see Henry sleeping with her bundled in his arms. Her diaper was soaked, and cold she didn't want to wear it any longer. She tapped him on the cheek. Nothing. She tapped him a little harder. He jerked awake, sleepiness in his eyes. "Do you need something, peanut?" He asked in a groggy voice. She glanced around the room. Everyone else was awake except for Carter. "Can you change my diaper?" She whispered, as to keep her secret. "Yeah, let's go." Henry groaned, as he stood up. He carried her to her bedroom, before closing the door behind them and setting her down. "We should probably get you a bath, shouldn't we?" Henry said, as he grabbed a pull up and change of clothes. "No..." Violet wined. She hated taking baths. "Come on, peanut. We have to, you don't want to be smelly do you?" Henry asked, before playfully poking her nose. She giggled. "No." "Well, come on." He said, picking her up and carrying her to the bathroom.

    Violet played in the soapy water. "Hold still, peanut!" Henry laughed, as he tried to clean between her toes. "Stop! That tickles!" Violet laughed, gleefully as her brother washed her feet. "Ok, now you're all done!" Henry said, as he washed the suds off in the water. "Yay!" Violet cheered. Henry let the water out, before helping her dry off. "Step in." Henry ordered. Violet complied, as her first leg slipped through the pull up. "Ok, now the other leg." Henry directed. She stepped her other foot into the pink pull up. "Ok, I got a dress for you to wear. Like it?" Henry asked, as he held up the yellow dress with little pink flowers. Violet hopped up and down in her pull up. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" She was so excited to try on her new clothes! "Arms up!" Henry said, as he slipped the dress over the little girl. "How do I look?" She asked, before performing a little twirl. "Amazing!" Henry loving complimented, before picking her up and carrying her out into the living room.

    Carter got his shoes on to leave for work. It was going to be a long day today. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes, as he stood up and opened the door. "I'm leaving everybody! Have a good day!" He shouted. "Ok, see ya bro!" "Bye, bye!" A tiny shout accompanied the normal chorus voices. Carter smiled, before leaving for work.

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