An Accident

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Violet, Elizabeth and Casey all sat at their table chatting and giggling as they worked. "C A T." Elizabeth sounded the word out, as she glued the letters in the proper order. "Very good, Elizabeth!" Mrs. Gibson complimented. "Ok, if you can spell your name, you can go to recess." Mrs. Gibson told her. "Can I just spell Ellie?" Elizabeth asked. "I suppose, Elizabeth is a pretty long name, isn't it? What's the first sound?" Mrs. Gibson smiled patiently. "Eh, Eh. E. Ll, El." Elizabeth thought for a second. "E L L I E." Elizabeth smiled. "Very good! Ok, you may go to recess now." Mrs. Gibson clapped. "Ok, now you, Casey." "Cc, Cc. C. Ah, Ah. A. Ss, Ss. S. Ee, Ee. C A S E Y?" She seemed a little unsure of her answer. "That's correct! You may go now. Your turn, miss Violet." Mrs. Gibson turned to her. "Uhh..." Violet's mind went blank under the pressure. "Vv, Vv. V. Ii, Ii. I. Ll, Ll. L. Ii, Ii. I. Tt, Tt. T? V I L I T?" Violet tried her hardest. "Hmm, pretty close. There's a sneaky O, and I is E. But good try, you can go too." Mrs. Gibson dismissed her.

"I can't even spell my own name." Violet was embarrassed to admit it to her friends. "It's ok, you'll get it eventually." Elizabeth comforted. "I can't actually spell Elizabeth." She whispered in her ear before giggling. "Come on, we should swing!" Casey said, excitedly. "I'll beat you there!" Elizabeth said, as she took off. Violet glanced at Casey, who glanced back, before they both chased after their friend.

    Violet loved swinging. She loved the feeling of flying up, and falling back down to the ground, only to be saved by the chains. The wind rushed through her hair, as she glided up, and then back down in an arc. She was so carefree, that she couldn't feel her pull up starting to leak between her legs. Only when the teachers blew their whistle and called for the children to come inside, did she notice her accident. She tired to hide her accident from her friends, but the wet spot was too large to cover with her hands. "Come, on! I'll beat you to the door!" Elizabeth challenged Violet. She noticed her friend blushing and her futile attempts to cover her shorts. "Did you have an accident?" Elizabeth asked, slightly shocked. Violet started to tear up. "Yes." She whispered, while nodding. "It's ok! I'll go get one of the teachers." Elizabeth tried to comfort her, before racing off to find one of the teachers. Casey stood there. She has a compassionate look on her face, but didn't say anything. "Did you have an accident?" A young lady knelt down next to Violet. Violet simply blushed, before nodding. "It's alright, we'll get you cleaned up." She patted her shoulder. "Alright, girls. You two need to get to class, go line up with the other children." The teacher instructed, before guiding Violet to the nurse's office.

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