Home Sweet Home

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   Violet sat in her car seat, while staring out the window with excitement. Today was a big day, she was going to go and stay with her new family until Mama got better! She bounced up and down with excitement, her diaper quietly crinkling beneath her bum. "Are we almost there yet!?" She shouted bursting with excitement. "Yep!" The nice driver lady assured the child. Violet liked this lady a lot more than the first one. "Look, Vi!" The driver shouted, as she pointed at one of the houses. "What!? What!?" She nearly jumped out of her car seat she was so excited. "There's your house!" The lady exclaimed. "Yay!" She yelled, as she clapped her hands together. The lady pulled up at the sidewalk and parked. "You ready, Miss Violet?" The lady asked, hyping the child. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" Violet chanted, as she bounced in her seat. She clutched Mr. Fuzzy tight, as the nice lady stepped out of the car, and helped her out of her car seat. "Come on, Vi!" She said with excitement, as she took the child's hand, and guided her to the door. Violet held her breath, as the driver lady rang the doorbell, and steps approached the door. The steps sounded like they were moving in slow motion, as Violet's eyes widened. Her heart pounded like a hammer in her chest as...

    The door opened to reveal Mr. Carter! "Hello ma'am." He smiled in a kind voice, before looking down at Violet lovingly. "Are you Carter Thomson?" The lady asked. "Yea- erm, yes. That's me." It was evident, even to Violet that Mr. Carter was excited. Violet peeked inside, while they talked about grown up stuff Violet didn't want to wait, she wanted to go inside! "You're all done, sir." The lady smiled. She knelt down next to Violet, before scooping her into a loving embrace.

    After the lady left, it was just Carter and Violet. "Can I go in!?" Violet hopped up and down on the porch. "Yeah! Come on!" Carter invited. As soon as she heard those words, Violet darted inside as quick as her little legs would take her. Carter laughed and shook his head, before closing the door. "You must be miss Violet?" Glen asked, as the little girl sat on his lap. "Yep!" She declared with excitement. Henry, Glen, and William all crowded the girl as if she was a celebrity. "How old are you?" William asked, with a smile spread across his face. "This many!" She said proudly, while holding all her fingers up. "Five years old!?! Wow, that's awesome!" Will laughed, as he got accustomed to Violet. Hector stood in the corner quietly, but even he couldn't resist catching the contagious grin this bundle of joy spread through the family. "Hey, what's your name?" She asked, pointing at Hector. "That's Hector!" Glen informed her. "But he's grumpy." Glen giggled a bit. "Am not!" Hector scowled at his brother. "Hey! Hey! You're suffocating her!" Carter joked, as he walked into the room. "No, I'm obviously going to be her favorite." Glen couldn't stop laughing. "Nu-uh, I'M going to be her favorite." Will retorted. "How about you're both my favorite!" Violet yelled, as she put her arms over their necks. "Hey! What about me!?" Henry stuck his lip out as he pretended to pout. "You too." She hugged him. The family sat there for hours, until Violet yawned. "Gettin' tired?" Carter asked, as he picked her up. "No." She said, groggily before rubbing her eyes. "I think you are. Let's get you ready for bed." He smiled, while lovingly carrying her to her new bedroom. It was Carter's old bedroom, but he was happy to share a room with Henry to make space for the little girl under his loving care. She was already asleep in his arms when they got to her room. Carter felt her diaper. It was wet, and heavy. He was surprised it didn't leak while they were out in the living room. He stripped her of her clothes, before retrieving a set of pajamas and a pull up. He made sure to stack up on pull ups and diapers as soon as he learned of her bladder issues. He carefully removed the yellowed undergarment, before supplying her with a fresh, clean diaper. He dressed her up in her pajamas all without waking her, before tucking her into her bed. He knelt down and kissed her on the forehead. "Goodnight, Violet..."

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