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Violet awoke in a puddle. Her eyes darted around the room in search of any monsters in her room. Her breathing was shaky and she was scared for her life. She felt like crying for her brothers, but that would only alert any demons lurking in the shadows. She set a tiny foot on the floor and then another. Her diaper sagged as she stepped out of bed, and her pajama pants were soaked on the backs of her thighs. She crept over to the door before quietly opening it and peeking out. Nothing. She took a deep breath before taking a step of faith and Entering the cavernous living room. Her pants were cold and uncomfortable, but she needed to be discreet. She tip toed, looking for her brother's safety. She found a door to somewhere, but she didn't know who slept where. She turned the knob as quietly as she could, before the door creaked open eerily. The room was dark, but Violet had to press on. She wandered into the darkness, unsure of whose room she was in. She felt around, before finding one of her sleeping brothers. She tapped him on the shoulder. Nothing. She tapped a little harder, this time stirring him from his sleep. "What?" Hector's voice was groggy and he was obviously grouchy. "I-" She didn't want to admit to being scared of a dream and looking like a baby. "What?" Hector snapped back. "I had a scary dream." She muttered. Hector groaned. "Come on, lay down." "I wet my bed too." She blushed in the darkness. "Really?" Hector muttered just loud enough for her to hear. "Come on, let's get your diaper changed." Hector slowly climbed out of bed. Violet didn't hesitate to be released from the cold and uncomfortable pajamas. She took Hector's hand, as the two walked towards the bathroom.

    Hector laid Violet down, before pulling her wet pants off, revealing her swollen, yellow diaper. Hector untapped the sides, before caringly wiping her down with gentle strokes. He tapped another fresh diaper onto her body, before washing his hands and helping her get dressed. He picked her up, and carried her to his bedroom.

    Violet snuggled up to her big brother. Hector didn't hug her back. "How are you so strong?" She asked, admiring his biceps. "I work out a lot." He said plainly. "I want to be as strong as you one day." She smiled hopefully. She could feel herself wetting her pants, which reminded her of how weak and helpless she really was, taking away much of her hopes. "Am I a baby for needing diapers?" She asked, with a little sadness in her voice. "No, what makes you say that?" Hector seemed confused by the question. "Well. Diapers are for babies, and nobody else in my class wears them." She began to cry a little bit. Hector took pity on the child. He had to agree, loosing your mother at such a young age as well as being trapped wetting your pants helplessly must be hard. Hector loved her and wanted to protect her, even if he couldn't admit it.

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