A Day With Brothers

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    "Soooo. What shall we do today?" Henry asked the group. Hector shrugged, and he inspected his knife. "Can we go to the park?" Violet asked. "Maybe, everyone else alright with that?" Henry looked around the room. "Yeah, fine by me." "Let's do it." Responded Glen and William. Hector just shrugged again. "Ok, let's get going, then." Henry said, as he got up to retrieve the keys.

    "Which shoe is for the left foot?" Glen struggled to wrestle the shoe onto Violet's foot. "I don't know, try looking at your feet." Hector hissed cynically. "I've never put shoes on someone else's feet." Glen said, as he tried to get the shoe on. "Try undoing the Velcro first, maybe that will help." William suggested. Glen undid the Velcro and slipped the shoe on effortlessly. "That's the wrong foot, dumbass." Hector facepalmed. "Language!" William smacked his arm. "Oww!" Hector recoiled in pain. "Got it!" Glen announced, as he proudly showed off his accomplishment. Henry slung the backpack over his shoulder. "Ok, we're all ready to go?" He asked. "Yeah!" Violet shouted excitedly, before hopping out of the chair. "I got her shoes on, Will can put her in the car seat." Glen volunteered his brother. "Ok." William shrugged, before picking up his sister and setting her in the seat. Will quietly hummed to himself, as he strapped her in like an expert. "Fifty-four seconds, beat that Glen." William smirked before hopping into the car and strapping himself in.

    As soon as she was unstrapped, Violet took off for the play equipment. "Kid has energy." Glen remarked, before finding a bench to sit on. Violet joyously swung on the swings, without a care in the world. As she played, however, her tummy started to feel funny. She clutched it, as she looked around for her brothers. She spotted them sitting on a bench a little ways away. She took a few steps but then...

   She couldn't hold it any longer, the brown, stinking mass began to flood her pull up. She tried to clench her cheeks, but to no avail. She stood there helplessly trying to hide her accident. Tears streamed down her face as she tried to stop herself, but could. With no other choice, she ran off to her brothers, to safety.

    Violet ran up sobbing. "What? What happened?" Henry asked, as he scooped up the little girl. "I- I-" She was too hysterical to formulate a thought. Then Henry smelled it. "Did you have an accident, peanut?" He whispered in her ear. She sniffled a bit before nodding. "It's ok, it's fine." Henry calmed the child. "Hector, can you go change Vi please?" Henry turned to his brother. "Why me?" He objected. "I helped her get her shoes on, Will got her in the car seat and Henry bathed her this morning. You can help too." Glen said, with a bit of annoyance in his voice. Hector stood silent for a second. He looked the teary girl in the eyes before sighing. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up." He said before taking her from Henry, grabbing her backpack, and heading to the bathrooms.

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