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    Violet thought for a moment, before strategically moving the man on the horse to block one of her brother's pieces. "Vi, the knight doesn't move in a straight line. He moves like this." Hector said, as he moved her piece to its proper position. "Oh." Chess was hard. "Can I move a different piece then?" Violet tried to recover her turn. "Go for it." Hector yawned. Violet moved one of her bishops to eliminate one or Hector's pawns. "Good job, Violet. But you forget I kept my queen over here." He said, as he slid the piece, knocking her only other bishop out of the game. "Aww man..." Violet gritted her teeth. This wasn't going very well. She had one rook, four pawns, a knight and her king. "Your turn." Hector prompted her to begin strategizing. Violet thought for a moment, before moving her rook to attack his king. "Check." She smiled triumphantly. "Good, good." Hector complimented her, before moving his king to evade her attack. Violet moved one of her pawns forward for no real reason. Hector placed his queen in a position to take down her knight. She moved her knight to eliminate another of his pawns. Hector ended up moving one of his rooks to take the knight anyway. Violet was starting to get desperate. In her panic, she attacked with her rook, taking one of his bishops. Hector countered by eliminating her only remaining rook with his queen. "There's not much I can do." Violet bit her lip as she thought. She opted to just surrender, seeing imminent defeat. "Good game, sis. Not bad for a five year old." Hector high fived his little sister. "Can you change my pull up?" Violet asked. It was getting rather soggy and cold. "Yeah. We should probably get your jammies on, shouldn't we?" He asked, before leading her to her room.

    Violet felt as Hector taped her bedtime diaper on, and pulled her PJs onto her little body. "Alrighty, what else did Carter say?" Hector tried to remember. Carter and Henry were at work, while William and Glen were hanging out with a friend. Hector had to skip work to babysit. "A bedtime story?" She asked with a hopeful glint in her eye. "Oh, alright. Go pick a book." Hector plopped down on her bed. "Yay!" Violet hopped up and bolted over to her bookshelf. She couldn't read, but she could tell which story was which by the pictures on the front. "This one!" She exclaimed, as she rushed back to Hector with a book. She handed him the book, as he looked at the front cover. "Princess Penelope's Palace." Hector read the front cover. He didn't look very thrilled to read the childish book, but he'd do it for his sister. She snuggled up against his arm, and clutched her stuffed bear in excitement. "Once apon a time there was a princess. Her name was Penelope. Just like every other princess, she lived in a beautiful castle and wore golden crown, however there was one thing she wanted. She didn't have a prince. Princess Penelope tried everything to find true love, but nothing seemed to work. One day, an army of evil monsters attacked the kingdom that Princess Penelope lived in. During their attack, they kidnapped the princess!" Hector tried to make it sound perilous, but he wasn't doing a very good job. "They took the princess to a dark castle where the evil king of the monsters held Princess Penelope captive, but lucky for her a brave knight named Johnathan came to rescue her. Johnathan rode his mighty horse to the evil castle before battling all the monsters until he reached Penelope. But as they tried to make their escape, the king of the monsters attacked! Johnathan fought valiantly, and he finally defeated the king of the monsters." Violet blew a sigh of relief, as the princess was saved. "They returned to the kingdom where Penelope and Johnathan got married and lived happily ever after, The End." Hector sighed as he closed the book. "Welp, time for you to get some sleep, Princess Violet." He said as he kissed her forehead. Violet giggled. "I'm the knight, you're the princess." She laughed. "Well, brave knights need their sleep too, so go to bed." Hector said as he turned off the lights. "Goodnight, Violet." "Goodnight Hector."

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