Gaming Mishap

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    "Yaooooo! Dude, look what I just found." Glen said excitedly as he handed William a disk case. "Yo! This game is so much fun! Where did you find it?" Will shared Glen's excitement. "It was in a box in the bottom of my closet, there was a bunch of other games too, like Lego Star Wars, Lego Pirates of the Caribbean, Plants vs Zombies. Aww, these games were so much fun!" Glen said, as he sifted through a few different disks. "Hey, Violet!" Will shouted for his little sister. She rushed out when she heard her name. "What?" She asked. "Have you ever seen this game?" He smiled as he handed her an old disk case. She looked at the cover with confusion. "I don't know how to read..." She stated the obvious. "It says Lego Indiana Jones. Aww, this game was so much fun!" Will was like a little kid opening a Christmas present. "I'm not allowed to play videogames. Remember what Carter said after I got scared?" Violet reminded her brother. "No, no, no. This game isn't scary at all." William ensured his sister. "But..." Violet wasn't convinced that she should. "Go ask him, I'm sure he'll be fine with it." William urged. "Ok..." She took the game case, before rushing out to find Carter.

    Carter sat on the couch watching movie. He was exhausted after a long day of work, and just wanted to sit on the couch. "Carter?" Violet tapped him on the knee. "Yes, what is it princess?" Carter sat the girl on his knee. "Am I allowed to play this?" She asked. He took the case from her and examined it. It was an old Lego Indiana Jones game his brothers used to play. He'd played it a couple times and liked it. He read the rating. Nothing too bad. "I suppose, if you want to." He said, before handing the disk back to her. "Yippee!" She smiled, before skipping off to her brother's room. Carter just smiled, as he watched the happy girl run along.

    The iconic Indiana Jones theme started playing as the menu loaded up. "Aww! Nostalgia!" Will said excitedly, as he clicked New Game. "What's nostalgia?" Violet asked, curiously. "It's when you experience something again you haven't experienced in a long time." William said, as he clicked a few more buttons. The game started with a cutscene of a Lego version of Indiana Jones and a group of explorers walking through a jungle. Violet giggled, as one of the jungle people blew a dart at Indiana Jones who ducked just in time for it to miss and hit the guy behind him. As the game started, Violet was absorbed into the jungle world full of plastic bricks. "Ok, Vi. So we're trying to cross this gap." Will instructed, as he began looking around. Violet was just messing with some plants. "Vi! Look!" William shouted, as he swung across a vine. "Woah! How do I do that?" Violet's smile spread across her face. "Just like this." Will showed her. "Ooohhh..." She said, as she repeated her brother's technique. As she played, Violet was absorbed into the fantasy world, and didn't notice her pull up getting wet and starting to expand between her legs. She continued playing, helping her brother get past each puzzle and disarm every trap. Violet didn't pay any attention, as a puddle started to form under her, and her thighs were soaked. She watched as Indiana Jones and his Lego friend ran down the temple halls, avoiding the giant Lego boulder chasing them. Violet was excited, until a chill finally caught her attention. She looked down to find her shorts soaked, and her pull up sagging dramatically. She covered her face with embarrassment. "Woah! Good job, Vi!" Will went to high five his partner, until he noticed her sitting in a puddle of her own pee, covering her face with her hands. "Oh, Vi." He sighed. "Come on, let's get you into some dry clothes." William lovingly picked her up, and carried her to the bathroom.

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