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sunshineseungminnie 240214 | 23:59[unedited]

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"hao? it's nice meeting you again."

"sorry," hao took a step back when he noticed the closed distance the two boys were having. "i'm running quite late-"

"why not saying hello to your old friend? it has been years since i've seen you!"

"you... you live in the building?" hao was clearly uncomfortable with the stranger claiming to have a friendship with him but tried his best to not show the obvious discomfort.

"no, visiting a friend." the stranger plainly commented, smiling. "but it looks like you're in a rush. i'll see you around, hao."

who is he?

relieved to be free of the unexpected conversation, hao mumbled a quick farewell and resumed his rapid pace. the encounter lingered in his mind, but the urgency of meeting hanbin pushed everything else to the background.

with his phone that was open on the navigation app, he started to run and fast.

as he wandered, seemingly lost both physically and mentally, hao stumbled upon hanbins campus by coincidence. he looked down on his navigation and back at the campus and he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief washing over him when he confirmed he had find his destination.

the campus grounds were filled with students going about their day, and the atmosphere was buzzing with the energy of academia. he looked around, the unfamiliar atmosphere was something that made him nervous. with one look, it was obvious that the latter didn't belonged here.

he wanted wandered on the huge terrain and noticed that the students were going in and out of the big giant door. just as hao was about to enter the main building, a voice called out from behind him. "hey, hao!" turning around, he was met with the sight of hanbin.

"hao! glad you made it." hanbin walked over to him with the biggest smile but it soon dropped when he saw hao in the most absent state. he waved his hand in front of his face "are you okay?"

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