240222 | 18:24

sunshineseungminnie 240222 | 18:24[unedited]

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the voice that echoed into haos ear send chilling goosebumps all over. he recognised his voice but couldn't point it out.


"sorry, we're running late for our class." hanbin was firm in his words as he stared the latter down. his eyes fixated on the figure infront of him that only seemed to notice hao, ignoring hanbin.

"it's the second time meeting today. fate must be working hard." he smiled.

hao was confused and just slowly nodded, his eyes travelling to hanbin. it didn't take a second for the latter to notice the discomfort and the call for help behind those eyes, hanbin grabbed his hand gently and dragged him out of there.

the guy had called hao plenty of times, but they kept their pace up as they walked away.

the silence overtook their previous comfortable ambiance. hanbin proceeded to drag hao far away from their previous spot, passing by the many students that were sitting and enjoying the evening sun.

hao noticed their hands still entangled and the rushed boy that hadn't said anything since the awkward encounter.

when they seemed to have found the perfect spot, right in the middle, hanbin let go. "you know him?" he started.

hao slowly shook his head. "i'm not sure... i think i met him in my apartment building today. why? do you know him?"

it was obvious that hanbin was hesitating but in the end he shook his head. "no, just got bad vibes from him, that's all."

it was a weird and very suspicious respond but hao decided to let it slip. those weird encounters should not distract him from the pretty view that both jiwoong and matthew have been talking about.

"it's so pretty here."

he stared infront of him, getting a beautiful view of the campus. it was surely bigger seeing it here from above. hanbin and hao sat side by side on a weathered bench, strategically placed to offer the best view of their bustling campus. the late afternoon sun cast a warm glow across the terrain.

the boy under the stars  ↺ haobinWhere stories live. Discover now