Chapter 1: Hate to break it to you girlfriend

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"Chrissy, baby, wake up!" I hear my whiny, annoying girlfriend and groan. I pull the sheets over my head but she keeps up the bothering so I give up. I swear this girl is starting to get under my skin. Don't get me wrong she hot and all, but she's a brat and a whiner. Two things I can't stand."Yay! You're awake!" She says excitedly wrapping her arms around me. I just groan in response.

"How did you even get in?"

"Some little brat let me in"

"That little brat is my sister" I growl.

"Christopher Jackson Garner! You get your ass down here right now, young man! It's ten past 7!" Shit! That's my mom, Jade Garner. The only person I'm afraid of. I wonder what I did this time to piss her off. Then it hits me. Ten past seven. FUCK. "Christopher!" She warns and I quickly throw some clean-looking clothes on, along with some deodorant. "Christopher, hurry up, I have places to be", she says sternly, annoyed, and impatiently.

I slowly make my way down the stairs, Stacy right behind me. Mom glares at me as she points at the scattered clothes. "What the hell is this, what is it doing here, and why is it all over the place!"
"That's not mi-" I'm cut off by Stacy, "Hi, I'm Stacy", she starts putting her hand out. My mom reluctantly takes it, "and I'm Chrissy's girlfriend" she finishes enthusiastically. Mom notices the grimace I make at the word and she soon forgets about the clothes scattered on the floor and comes to the rescue. Well, for the most part. "Well hate to break it to you girlfriend, but until Chris learns to pick up after himself and how to be on time to school, he isn't allowed to be in a relationship, let alone do what I'm almost positive you two were doing in his room. Now I'm sure you are a lovely young lady, for the most part at least, but I'm going to have to ask you to let go of my son's arm and leave" she ends with a fake smile.

You'd think that a 17 year old would die inside at the sight of his mom breaking up with his girlfriend for him, well this 17 year old couldn't be happier at the moment. My smile is soon wiped off of my face as I face my moms cold glare. Well, I'm dead. "Since when do you date sluts and how the hell did said slut get in the house and into your room? You know what we'll talk about it later, I gotta get to work....Christopher! Are you even listening to me!?" Shit, mom was still talking. I didn't even notice that I spaced out. This is not good. Not good at all. "Um...errr....ya, of course I was" I lie, but if course she doesn't take it. I've always been an amazing liar. But it's just my mom who knows when I'm lying. It scary how well she knows me. "Really? Alright then. What did I say?" She cocks an eyebrow looking at me expectantly. "Uh..I don't think that's necessary. You already know what you said." I state wittily. I give her a big innocent smile. Bad idea. I'm pushing her patience to an edge, not good. "Christopher..." she growls.

"Sorry mom" I say hanging my head low.

"Just get to school already, we'll talk about it later, I gotta get to work."

~ Next Day ~

"Wake up Bitch!" I hear my older brother say as he throws a dog toy at me.

I pull the black duvet covers over my head and hope that he'll just go away. Knowing him though-

"Chris get the hell up! I want to eat!"

I take my hand out from under the covers and flip him off. He opens the curtains and next thing i know his hands are on my ankles pulling me off my bed. I land on my stomach with a painful smack and a low grunt coming from me. "Go to hell!" I groan, not moving from my spot. I see him laughing uncontrollably, tears threatening to leave his eyes from how hard he's laughing.

My mom clears her throat loud enough for us to hear her, as my little sister Ellie speeds through the door, giggling, towards me. How long she'd been there, I have no idea.

"Ethan! I told you to wake him up, not harass him." she says on the verge of laughing.

"Sorry mom" he says stifling a laugh.

"Go down stairs and eat. I'll deal with him." he nods and she ruffles his black hair. "MOOOOM" he complains trying to fix his hair. My turn to laugh. Ethan glares at me and I smirk. He flips me off and I complain. "Mom Ethan flipped me off!" He puts his most innocent face on and says, "Why would I ever do that to you Chris?" My mom rolls her eyes obviously not buying it. "Wipe that look off your face, it doesn't fit you" she says with a blank expression. He looks surprised but soon shrugs it off and goes down to eat.

God I love this woman. She is probably the most awesome woman ever. She gets up and closes the door. "I want to talk about yesterday..." she starts. Fuck.

My love for her in that moment disappears in a matter of seconds. "Mom, I don't think tha-" She cuts me off.

"Chris I thought about your consequences and thought they weren't reasonable, I mean your 17. You're a teen and it's normal to have sexual needs." I look at her in disbelief. She has got to be kidding me. "So I won't punish you. But I want to tell you something. Teach you in a way I guess." No. No. No. I am not having this talk with her. No. "Mom I am NOT having this talk with you." She sighs, "Oh yes you are. So lets get started. First, please tell me you used protection, you are too young to be a father."

"Mooooom!" She raises her eyebrow waiting for my answer and I realize she is not breaking. So I do the only thing left for me to do. I tell her the truth.

"We didn' That" I sigh, my cheeks starting to heat up.

"Good, so as you know when a female and a male have sexual intercourse - wait, what? You mean - you didn't - what?!"

I shrug. "Oh, my baby boy!" she squeals pinching my cheek. I don't think I can get any redder, I probably look like a tomato. Ew, I hate tomatoes.

"We are still having that talk, young man. For future reference, of course." My eyes widen and I'm about to protest, but she cuts me off with a look that leaves no room for argument.

Thirty minutes and a whole lot of uncomfortable talking later. I get up and open my door. "Way to ruin my innocence mom." She laughs, "Your innocence was ruined long ago and it wasn't by me." I smile and run down the stairs to eat.

It's Sunday and I have absolutely nothing to do. Except that party. But I'm in no mood to see Stacey. Knowing her, she didn't get Mom's message and thinks we are still a thing. She's clingy that way. I should probably clarify things in school tomorrow....

The rest of the day consists of a short run, a short workout session, and hours and hours of laziness and eating. What a life I have. I may be the schools football captain and the most popular guy, but I'm not like the ones in the movies or books. Nope. I'm a lazy, rebellious (except when in comes to my mom) guy, with an enormous sweet tooth and an unexpectedly high GPA.

The Dictator is playing on my screen as I stuff myself with Sour Patch Kids. Now those have got to be the best candies in the world. First sour then sweet.

Once the movie finishes I look at the clock. 1:30 a.m. Great. I quickly take out the movie and get ready for bed. I check my phone to see that I have 5 missed calls and 20 new messages. All from Stacy. For Gods sake. I ignore them all and go to bed.


Okay this is the first chapter of the rewritten version of The Bet The Bad boy and The Nerd!!!! I am so excited for this. Most of it is the same thought there are some different things (obviously!) So I am still not done editing but you have all asked me to update so here is the first one. I'll post a new chapter hopefully every Friday until I run out of edited chapters and have to start creating them once again. Enjoyyyy (and if your a new reader ignore all this lol) Buhhhh Byeeeeeee

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