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"Would you watch where you're going? For fucks sake!" I hear as I fall to the ground.

I search for my glasses then look up to see a pair of frustrated brown eyes and a pissed off expression. 'S-sorry, I-I didn't m-mean t-t-to invade your s-space." I stutter.

You see, I'm beyond afraid of Chris. He's my bully. Always pushing me around, pulling pranks, and humiliating me. My thoughts are cut off by the sound of his deep, husky voice. "It's fine Jessica. Don't worry about it." he smiles. What the hell? Did THE Christopher Garner just smile at me?

To say I am surprised is an understatement. I don't think this can get any weirder, but I'm wrong.

He stretches out his hand offering me help. I look up at him puzzled and afraid, but reluctantly take it. "Th-thank you." Ugh why do I have to stutter? Why?!?

"No problem." He sends me a warm gentle smile. What the hell happened to him. Maybe he's sick or just isn't seeing right and doesn't know it's me.

"Are you feeling alright?" I ask looking at him thoroughly. That's when I notice his perfect facial features. His chocolate brown eyes, bright a full of life and fun. His perfect lips, full and rosy. His flawless skin, free of any imperf- "hello?"

"Huh? What?" He chuckles and replies,

"I asked what are you doing here?" Why do you care? You planning another prank? Of course I know better than to answer him like that. "Oh. Um I-I just came to-uh-study a little m-more." You know the stuttering is starting to get on my nerves.

"Nice. Well I better go. See you tomorrow?" What's gotten into him? Why the hell is he being so nice?! "Can't a guy change?" Oh shit, I said that out loud?!?

"You know I've been thinking and I realized I've been quite an ass wipe to you." Tell me about it. "So I decided to change. You know be nicer, to you." What. The. Fuck. This can't be real! He's kidding! Yup that's it.

"You're kidding right? Cause if you are this isn't funny." He makes a face full of 'hurt'. "Don't you trust me?!?" Why would I ever trust you? "Not really..." I say looking down.

"Well I'll have to change that", he says, kissing my hand. Butterfly's fly around in my stomach nearly making a hole. Omfg. This must be a dream. Maybe even a nightmare. "So long Jessie" he calls as he walks away down the hall. "B-bye." And with that I'm left alone to take in what has just happened.

Chris. The guy who has tormented me for so many years just said he wanted to be nice to me, kissed my hand, AND said my nickname without a mocking tone to it. He was actually nice. Who knew that was even a possibility for him. But still, I can't let my guard down, for this could be another one of his tricks. I guess we'll just have to wait it out and see.


I run all the way home, my mind repeatedly going back to that moment. Yes, he is my bully, and technically I am more than afraid of him; but HAVE YOU SEEN HIS FACE?!? HE'S GORGEOUS!

Once I'm at my door I lift up the fake rock and take out the key from inside it. Yes those things exists, they look real too. I open the door and run to where the phone is supposed to be. One problem. It's not there. I turn around to face the living room, only to meet my older sister pacing back and forth with an angry expression.

"You know what?! I'm done with you! We over! Goodbye!!!" She slams the phone down on the coffee table and stomps up the stairs. I would go and comfort her, but if there's one thing I've learned about her is ONE: Stay away from her when she's angry.TWO: Stay away from her when she's on her monthly.... torture, I guess we can call it. Wait, that's two. Eh, oh well. My thoughts are cut off by a figure walking over to the phone.

You see, in this house, I'm anything but lonely. I have an older sister, Carly, who we've just encountered. A younger brother, Tommy, who is...well lets just say he's one of a kind; and Shawn, my eldest sibling. (In case you thought otherwise Shawn is a guy).

With all honesty, I love them all, but they're all irritating in their own special way. Carly, well she's a complete brat. Tommy is just UGH! He can't sit still, he's really weird, and the list goes on and on. As for Shawn, he's awesome, but he's a little overprotective over me. Not Tommy, 'cause he doesn't need it, not Carly 'cause well she hates that stuff and will torture him.

Shawn wasn't always over protective though. He got like this after mom died and dad left like the coward he is. Yeah, we have no parents we live with Shawn and his roommate, Tony. Not as in like a partner, they're best buds so decided to move in together while they go to college. ANYWAYS....oh for gods sake I'm already to late. Tony already got the phone. But he's a nice guy, maybe he'll let me use it before him.

"Hey Tony?" He looks over his shoulder to me and I see he's already using the phone. Dammit. "I was just wondering if I could use the phone before you, but you're already using it so never mind." He smiles and goes back to talking to whoever. "Hey babe i'll call you later, alright?///alright bye." He hangs up and hands me the phone. "Sure thing, love." I grin widely, hugging him. "Thanks so much." And yes he calls me love, Tommy bud, and Carly whore. Him and Carly don't get along to well. She started hating him after she tried to seduce him, humiliating herself.

I run up the stairs to my room, on the way dialing Beth's number. Beth is one of my two best friends. I've got Beth and Jack. But I call Beth 'cause I know Jack wont care about what I have to say.

The phone rings for about two seconds when I hear her voice. "Wassup Blondie?" I giggle at the weird voice she's making.

"Nothing much, I just have to tell you something." I hear her voice telling me to go on. "Well you know Chris Garner right? Who am I kidding, of course you do! It's takes all your will to not fangirl over him everyday! Well today..." I explain everything to her and when I'm done there's silence. Pure silence, when I hear an ear piercing scream coming from the other side. "What the fudge nugget hell!"

"Omgomgomg are you serious?!? The Chris Garner was civil with you!? Holy fuck! That's like aaah! To die for! Omg his perfect hazel brown eyes! His luscious brown hair!" I groan, but it turns into a snicker.

"Ok ok ok I get it, damn!" She apologizes and her door opens. A muffled voice is in the background so I try and find out what they're saying and who it is. No luck. "Hey I gotta go, my mom needs me, but tell me more tomorrow. Deal?" So it was her mom. "Deal" I answer.

She hangs up and I jump off my bed, on a mission to find Tony. It doesn't take me to long. He's in the kitchen fixing himself a sanwich. His chocolate brown hair hung over his chocolate brown eyes. He was quite a cutie. He looked up and smiled, showing his dimples. Awwwwe. He is adorable. I don't like him that way, he's 21, I'm 17; but he is really cute.

"All done?" I nod, "yup. All done"I hand him the phone and go to do homework.

Once I'm done its 4:00. I take a shower and put on some pjs. I take quite long so when I get out its 5, aka dinner time. I walk down the stairs to find Shawn and Tony, once again, attempting and failing at making food. I give 'em a hand and walla! Dinner is served. It's not much just fettuccini Alfredo. Mmmm.

Everything's peaceful during dinner, tony and Carly having a mini argument. Shawn trying to calmly shut them up, and me trying to make Tommy to eat correctly. Who am I kidding, dinner is rarely peaceful in this place. To be honest, I didn't mind, it was fun.

I watch pretty little liars in my room after dinner. I love that show. "I gotta secret, can you keep it? Well this one you'll save. Gotta lock in your pocket, taking this one to the grave. If I show you, then I know you won't tell what I say. 'Cause two can keep a secret if one of them is dead." I sing aloud. Ok last episode for tonight, I tell myself. It's a school night and I, obviously, need my beauty sleep.

(A day early bc thanksgiving and I won't have time tomorrow)

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