Chapter 5: I'm Not Crazy, I Swear

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Chris's POV:

She looks so cute as we ride to school. Her eyebrows furrowed, her bottom lip slightly out, as if she is pouting.

What the hell am I thinking?! This is Jessica O'Connell we are talking about, keep it together man!

"You passed a red light" she says.

"Huh? What do you mean. I didn't pass a red light."

"Yeah you did. You were too busy thinking about....whatever it is you jackasses think about." After she realizes what she had said to me she throws her hand over her mouth.

"Excuse me, but mind repeating that? I don't think I heard right. Because I heard you call me a jackass, but that can't be right." I say in a threatening tone, glaring at her. She shakes her head quickly and replies, her hand still over her mouth, "N-not at a-all."

Well, at least that's what I think she said. Her hand muffled her words so I couldn't exactly understand. Her fault not mine.

"Okay well um I think you should start paying attention to the road cause you just passed another red light." Jack interrupts pushing his head between our faces. Shit.

"Well there weren't any police around right? So we're ok?" Jessica asks quietly, her eyes on her shoes as if they are the most interesting thing in the world. But of course, at that moment, the sirens start. Her head shoots up as she mumbles some kind of gibberish. I pull over and so does the cop car.

Jack's POV:

"Yeah you did. You were too busy thinking about....whatever it is you jackasses think about." I hear Jess say. I pull out one of my earphones. This isn't going to end well.

"Excuse me, but mind repeating that? I don't think I heard right. Because I heard you call me a jackass, but that can't be right." he replies glaring at her, his face only an inch away from hers.

Fear is written all over her right now. She shakes her head quickly and replies, her hand over her mouth, "N-not at a-all."

"Okay, well um, I think you should start paying attention to the road cause you just passed another red light." I interrupt.

He actually didn't, but I wasn't about to see my bestfriend be killed by my cousin. No thank you.

"Well there weren't any police around right? So we're ok?" Jessie asks quietly, not even daring to look at Chris. And at that moment the sirens start. Her head shoots up as she says "Oh no." Her eyes wide. Chris groans and pulls over.

Wait did he really pass another red light? Or was it for the first one?

"Ok here's the plan. If its a girl I'll use my wonderful charm. If its a guy", he turns to Jessica, "offer him sex for free or something. Try your best to act sexy."

I tried to hold my laughter but I couldn't. She sends me a murderous look.

"On second thought maybe I'll take that offer" he smirks winking at her as she scowls.

"Perv!!" We are interrupted by a knock on the window.

Jessica's POV:

*tap. tap.*

We all slowly turned our heads to the window. There stands an average heighted man with a lot of extra weight on him.

Chris slowly rolls down his window and smiles sweetly. Ugh he is such a fake! "Is there a problem, officer?" Oh my god we are going to go to jail. Shawn is going to kill me. Ohmygod! This can't be happening to me!

"Please don't send us to jail! I'll do anything! How about sex! For free! I'll do that, they'll even join if you want. I know they're guys but you never know right? Please do-"


Thank god Chris interrupts me! I blush and look down at my feet. "I'm so sorry about her, officer. She's just a little, well she's Jessica. It's normal for her." Jack says.

The guy sends me a look as if he thought I was crazy.

"I'm not crazy, I swear." I say out loud throwing my hands up. Chris sends me a glare that tells me 'shut up Jessica or you're dead meat'. So that's what I do I shut up. I zip my mouth and throw the key at Jack. He shakes his head and turns back to the officer. "Sorry about that, so what seems to be the problem?"

"Do you realize that you were going over speed?"

"Wait so you didn't pull us over because he passed a red light?" I interrupt. 

Chris elbows me and I realize I wasn't supposed to say that. "Oops" I smiled innocently.

 "She's just joking. We didn't pass any read light. Right Jack?" He nods and the police guy raises his eyebrow.

"License please."

"Right. Jessica op- actually I'll get it myself." He leans over me to open the door thingy. His hair smells so good. Actually he as a whole smells good. Snap out of it Jessica! I scold myself.

 "Here ya go."

"Mhm. Mr. Garner I'm afraid I'm going to have to give you two tickets. One for speeding and one for passing a red light." He groans and grumbles about something that i wouldn't be able to understand even if I had super powers. The officer gives him the two tickets and tells us to 'run along'. 

"Jessica why did you open your big mouth! Seriously your paying for the red light ticket!" Chris yells at me. 

"I'm sorry! Gosh! I was curious!" 

"Well your damn curiosity cost me an extra 500 bucks!" My eyes start to tear up so I try my best to hide it and turn away. "I'm sorry" I whisper. 

Jack just stays quiet but Chris grabs my hand and squeezes it. "Hey don't cry Jess. It's ok. It happened already. Who cares anymore." Why was he acting all sweet? Is this another of his tricks? You know what who gives a flying fuck. Although I'm pretty sure fucks can't fly. Anyways it feels nice.

Chris' POV:

We arrive at school and Jessica jumps out immediately. "I'm alive and not and jail! Thank The Lord!" I chuckle at her strange antics and so does jack. 

"Is she always this weird?" I ask him.

 "Well maybe if you stopped being such an ass towards her and tried being her friend you would know."

"If what your saying is that I should be nice, I'm good."

"Well you seemed pretty nice today in the car."

 I glare at him, "never speak of that." 

He shrugs and walks to the office to get his pass. 

"Why is it so lonely?"

"For a nerd you're quite stupid" I answer, "we're like 50 minutes late." 

Her eyes shoot open. "What!!?? Oh no! I've never been late! Oh no! This can't be happening! It's all your fault Garner! God, you are such a-"

"A what?" I growl at her. 

"S-such a-a nice guy?" She asks rather than states. I roll my eyes and walk away, but she runs up behind me. 

"Oh, by the way, never and I mean never. Speak of what happened in the car. Is that clear?" She nods. 


 And with that we make our way to the office.


Hey I'm so sorry for not updating friday. I had a dance performance and my internet is being weird. Love you to the moon and back my unicorns!!!

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