Chapter 2: Wanna Bet?

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"Shit." I say out loud, checking my clock. I'm already 30 minutes late for school. I get up and jump into the shower.

Throwing on a white t-shirt and some grey sweatpants, I jog down the stairs and out the door. I climb into my black Mustang, Stephanie, and sniff the air. Ah yes, she still has that amazing new car smell. I love her with all my heart. If anything happens to her I'd die. She's not just a car, she's my baby.

Starting her I speed down the road till I reach my school. By that time second period has already started. Eh, oh well. I go through the office door, sending a small wave to the secretary, leaving her to day dream about me. I know I sound stuck up, but it's obvious she does. And who can blame her. I take my slip and walk to class.

Creeeaaak. I slip my head in as everyone looks up and stares at me.

"Why are you so late, Mr. Garner?" Ah, yes Ol' Mr. Lake. He's never been very fond of me.

"Just slept in 's all." He glares at me and I smirk.


"Hey, baby" I hear Stacy call for me. I groan and turn around. "I called AND texted you last night. What happened, baby?"

"Um, my phone died and I didn't receive them, sorry." I say pushing passed her.

"Don't you walk away from me Christopher!"

"What are you gonna do huh? You gonna tell daddy?"

Her eyes widened, then turned into a cold glare. "Or else we're over." She smirks, obviously thinking I am going to beg her not to. Oh if she only knew.

"I thought we were already through?" I look at her thoughtfully feigning confusion

She gasps and runs up to me. "No baby I'm sorry. You just had me worried."

I shake her off and keep walking. "Take a hint Stace, I really couldn't care less." I walk away, leaving her surprised with her mouth slightly open.

"Fine. I don't need you, leave."

"Will do." Hm, I expected that to be harder.

I walk over to the table where my friends sit. "Whaddup" greets my best bro Alex. His chestnut brown hair covers one of his dark brown eyes.

"Where's your little minion?" He asks noticing that the one and only Stacy Fredricks isn't holding onto my arm.

"We broke up" I say simply. He looks surprised, but gets up and gives me a pat on the back.

"It's about time, man." I laugh and give him a shove.

"Ya, that chick was quite a bitch" Jake adds grinning. I laugh at all their blunt comments they've been holding in. Man I love these guys.

The lunch bell rings and we all get up. Alex and I have the next two classes together so we walk and talk. He makes a sudden stop, grabs some random hot chicks hand, and kisses it. He kisses it and just keeps walking, leaving her to blush as her friends gush and giggle.

"What the fuck?" I question. He shrugs.
"Jealous?" He coos mockingly.

"Of what? You? Ha! Please. I could make any girl fall faster for me than you ever could."

He raises an eyebrow. "Oh really? You sure bout that, Mr. Casanova?" Alex says smirking.

"Wanna bet?" I challenge Alex. He just smirks,

"Bring it on, bro."

I smirk already knowing what to bet.

"Alright who ever wins Jessica O'Connell's heart and breaks down her boundary walls" I smile coldly pointing to the schools, one of many, outcast; Jessica. He makes a disgusted face but says,

"fine, lets get this started!"

I'm going to win. I know I am. How couldn't I, after all she's just a nerd.

I smirk, "lets do this." I choose Jessica because she doesn't talk to anyone except her two best friends. Well her two only friends, Jack and Beth. She'll be a hard target. But I'll win. Why wouldn't I?


"Mr. Monroe, did you have a bad night or is my class that boring that you need to sleep?"

I look over at Alex who is still fast asleep. I throw a pencil at him, trying hard not to laugh. "Huh? What? What'd I miss?" He babbles his eyes slightly open.

"I repeat, did you have a bad night or is my class that boring that you feel the need to sleep?" He looks up at her, shrugs, and answers with a blank expression.

"I'd say it's a little bit of both." The whole class erupts into a huge wave of laughter. It's only when Ms. Halpern gives us all that warning glare that we become silent. But leave it up to Alex to break the silence. "Bahahaha! Oh shit sorry."

"Is that a curse word I heard."

"Uh no, I said shoot. Unless that's a bad word I don't see the reason you're so angry." She sends him an evil glare while assigning him detention. Funny stuff really.

"Tomorrow and Thursday you will be having lunch detention, is that clear Alexander?" Ms. Halpern must really enjoy pissing teens off, because NO ONE absolutely NO ONE calls Alex, Alexander. Except his mom and me. But he knows I only do it to annoy him and when he deserves it.

His jaw clenches and his hands form two fists. "Please, call me Alex." He says through gritted teeth as he stands up and takes a fancy bow.

"Just sit down, Mr. Monroe" the Mrs. snaps at him. He smiles victoriously and turns to me.

"See I can easily win any girl." I laugh at his comment.

"We'll see."

At that moment the bell rings and we get up ready to leave.

"Chris, sweetie, do you mind helping me for a bit?" Alex and I stop suddenly as those words leave her mouth. Ugh why me?

"Um Sure." I say awkwardly.

"Good luck with Medusa" Alex whispers stifling a laugh. I glare at him, "Shut up AlexANDER" I say emphasizing his full name. His jaw clenches and he leaves without a word. I smirk and walk over to her desk slowly.

"Could you bring down those books for me I can't reach them", she says stretching, obviously trying to be seductive and 'sexy'. Let's just say that it was an epic fail.

"Uh sure?" I ask rather than state.

I reach up for the books exposing part of my lower stomach. I can feel her stare burning into me as I fix my shirt. "Is that all?"

"Hm? Ah yes, yes, that's all. Thank you Hun." She smiles sending a shiver down my spine. Ew. I run out the door, when I bump into someone.

" Would you watch where you're going? For fucks sake!"

I look down to see who it is. A girl with blond hair and blue eyes? I can't really see them. Anyways, she's searching for her glasses and she looks up at me.

"S-sorry, I-I didn't m-mean t-t-to invade your s-space." Ah, yes, the ever so funny stuttering she gets when she's near me. Then I remember the bet. I have to be nice to her.

"Oh it's fine Jessica. Don't worry about it" I smile down at her and stretch my hand out.

She looks up at me puzzled and afraid, but takes it. It takes all my will to not say a sarcastic remark, if i'm gonna win I gotta be nice.

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