No Distractions

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Deku was a little bit timid as he went to meet with Kacchan, sitting next to him and avoiding his gaze. Bakugo frowned when he saw him, he looked small, his shoulders leaning inward, and his head slumped down, he looked defeated, and like he hadn't slept. He hoped he had spent the night fighting with Ochaco, that it wasn't the thing that had been circulating the base for about a month now.

"You okay?"

Deku sat up with a forced smile

"Yeah uh.. I actually got some good news last night, Kacchan."

Bakugo's heart sank. Fuck. He knew that Deku wouldn't neglect his duties as a hero, but he was going to feel like shit, about not being with his wife, so he was going to get to listen to him cry and talk about his marriage even more, and now he had to worry about cheeks and her health and her baby's health.

"Huh. Well you look like shit."

Deku looked like he wanted to be angry, but he was too tired to bother.

"Thanks Kacchan." He sighed, "You know, you don't exactly look great either."

Bakugo shrugged "So, you're going to be a dad." He said it, and watched Deku's shoulders slump even more. Good news. Seemed like it.

Deku looked up at him, he was going to say something, but he shook his head.

"Spit it out."

"No." Deku replied "No I can't."

"Fine. you're about to have a kid. What does that mean as far as hero work goes?"

Deku looked at him sadly before his face disappeared in his hands again.

"Nothing." he whimpered, he wanted it to change things, it was something that should change everything, but it really didn't. If Deku wanted his wife and his baby to go home safely. He couldn't be with them. He couldn't be with Ochaco for what could, very possibly, be the last months she was alive.

Bakugo didn't hear what he said, as he was crying into his hands. "What was that?"

Deku took his head out of his hands, glaring at him

"I said nothing! It doesn't change fucking anything Kacchan! Ochaco is going to be a mother, but let's be fucking honest I'm not going to be a dad! I'm not going to see her any more than I do now. Our kid won't know me any better than my fucking fans I never meet and I won't know him any better than I know them! I want it to change everything but it fucking won't Kacchan! I'll still be doing hero work until the day my fucking child get's old enough to realize what a terrible father I am, becomes a villain and I have to fucking kill them. And that's the best case fucking scenario, Kacchan! Ochaco could also fucking die. My baby could also fucking die."


"Yeah." Deku whimpered

"Well. Nothing we can do about it now."

Deku sobbed into his hands "I should have known! I should have known this would happen to me! Of course I can't have a baby! Why did I ever think that was a possibility for me?"

"Well, you're going to have a baby, whether you're ready or not." Bakugo replied, "and after this shit is over, I'm sure that there are ways we can make sure you have time with your family."

Deku just kept crying. He was not okay, and he couldn't talk about it with Ochaco, she was scared enough already.

"You told your mom yet?"


"You plan to?"

"As soon as I can, why?"

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