Attack On Base (Part 1)

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Deku was trembling, trying to keep himself together as he sobbed.

    "Deku," Eri murmured "this is a good thing, this probably means your baby is fine, and that Ochaco is-"
    "It probably means that they have Ochaco, and that she and my baby won't be fine much longer!"

    "Well, okay. You are the number one hero, okay, let's use those problem solving skills! Where do you think someone would take Ochaco to hurt her?" Deku frowned, he was trying to think, but all he could think about was losing Ochaco, losing his baby, still thinking about that blood stain on the specter. He wanted to save her, but he couldn't think straight. He looked at Eri with tears in his eyes.

    "I don't know. I don't think there's any way they would convince her to leave the base."

    Eri nodded "I don't either."

    Deku huffed "Where are there things that could hurt a pregnant woman? I-I haven't spent a lot of time on base."

    "Well. I don't think there is any way for an imposter to get into the weapon arsenal." Eri frowned "all of my equipment is locked up too, so.. Probably the cafeteria."

    Deku nodded, "Thank you, Eri." He sighed, running towards the cafeteria. He heard screaming from Mina's room, Eri frowned, grabbing Deku's arm.

    "It's probably-"

    Deku shook his head "I need to check."

    "I am the doctor. I will go check in there. You need to go find Ochaco."

    Deku hesitated "We can both-"

    "Your wife is likely being poisoned, and you are the one who can show her that quickest."

    Deku nodded sadly, what was wrong with him? His wife could be dying, that should be the most important thing to him, but for some reason he felt guilty prioritizing her. He shook his head, running towards the cafeteria with tears in his eyes.

Eri huffed, stepping into Mina's room to find it empty, so it was just a distraction. Deku was on the right track. She breathed a sigh of relief. She couldn't be the reason Mrs. Midoriya got hurt and she couldn't. She caught up with Deku, he was sobbing.

    "They're not real screams, they're trying to distract you, I checked, Mina's room is empty."

    Deku stopped, Eri frowned, "Why are you stopping?"
    "Why was Mina's room empty? It is the middle of the night."

    Eri sighed "Let me think about that, go find your wife."

    Deku nodded, running to the cafeteria, Ochaco's head rested on the table, between her arms, she looked like she was sleeping, Deku felt himself praying he wasn't too late, she wasn't snoring, but she typically didn't. He saw his coat over her shoulders, she was so cute. He sat next to her, gently nudging her with his arm.

    "Ocha? Kirbs?" he whispered, she was usually a light sleeper, "Ochaco!" he screamed, grabbing her shoulders, he heard his voice echo off of the walls as he began to sob, he was too late, his wife was dead due to his own negligence. He felt a hand on his cheek,  he looked down and saw the most beautiful eyes in the world.

    "What's wrong?" She murmured

    "I thought you were dead. I shook you and you didn't wake up. I'm sorry I never should have left you alone, she sent one of her things to me. She was posing as you.. And you were losing the baby." he started to cry again "I could tell it was an imposter, but if you were losing the baby, I thought maybe you would act odd and-and so I took her to Eri and Eri said it was an imposter and proved it and an imposter of me brought you here to poison you, I assume."

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