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The door open and i saw a room ,

but it doesn't look like a room , its more like a cage ,

there was a window , and nothing , there is no way Mr. Phayu in here ,

then my eyes catch a figure , in the corner of the room , the figure was sitting there ,

there are chains around his arms , his face was in his knees , that when the thunderstorm hit again ,

"ahhh" i head a sound , the rom is all dark ,

"here he is " he said ,

"wait , what do you mean by its him , you cant tied up someone like this , I have to call police " i I say as i take the phone , i was about to call when one of the guard took my phone ,

"hey give my phone back "i shout

"you know why this news never get known , cuz every person who see him , is no more in this earth , no even they are family , if you wanna survive , dont you ever try to , "he say

"why me "i ask my voice crake

"that doesn't matter , now you have sign the paper , there is no going back ,and for your phone your no getting it , there was a land line , " he said

"bu-"he cut me of "no buts its your job , any other thing that you wanna say "

that doesn't matter if i try , its not gonna end up good , if i agree then its a risk about my life not for my family , i have to say yes , again its my fault why i call , but that is not what i should think now , the fact is my grandmother ,

"why he is tied up like that " i ask agreeing the thing that its my life for now , '

"that's nice you agree , and for him , he tried to run away , and for his room , he broke everything that's why he is tied up , we give him a blanket , is any chance he need it thats all "

"free him " i said ,

"what ," he said , " i said free him take the chain off , I will take care of it " \

"your wish , but it he run away it , Its not gonna be good for you ," he say as a warning

the guard take of the chain , and ThE so called cEo went to him

"Payu look at me , " he say as Mr. Phayu lift his head up , that's when i see his face in real life ,

he is handsome , absolutely handsome ,

he look cute too ,

for some sec he doesn't feel real , that's when i realize its not that i should be thinking , leave that rain , Mr. Mark ask me to came close to him ,

"listen Phayu this is Rain its your omega , and for today he is going to stay with you"

"huh! omega , pa where are you going , why are you leaving me , stay plz " he say as he start crying ,

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