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I went down stairs to see a grown ass men on the kitchen counter playing with water.

I stop him and start finding things to bake a cake. When I was younger my grandma and mother teach me how to bake a cake.

"Which flavor cake do you want, hmm" I ask the person who is behind me, hugging me from back. "Oh.. Chocolate plusis" he said pouting, to be very honest I don't, no, hate this flavor cuz its to much sweet.

I try to search for coco powder but can't find it and I also realize there is no chocolate left in the house, I release a long sing realizing that I have to go to the super market again UGHHH!!!

At this time its begin a habit to stay at this house, I don't even want to face a human.

It took me something like an half hour to convince him to leave me and let me go and it took me something around 40 minutes outside.

Okh Okh I know it took a long, wolfy even cry when I came telling I am bad,

but what can I do after I buy things from the market I remember I have to bring something from my apartment, so I went there, my house owner told me to give the payment as I am not staying here for long time.

So I went to the bank to take some money form my acc. but there is another problem. My bank acc have 5 lack, that mark give me in advance, so the bank thinks that I am doing some illegal things cuz there is no way as boy who never get 10 thousand money at once get 20 lack money in an hour, so thats my police came and then Mr. mark people came and save me.

phew. I was about to die when I saw police.

I make him wear an apron and wear one by myself. I was about to start when I hear him shouting.

"BUBUN!!!" He shout from behind which made me finch. I look at him with big eyes

"What! I mean what happen" I said as I try my best to control my heartbeat.

"I WANT TO MAKE IT" He shout,

"No Wolfy, you will ruin it" I said convincing him.

Rather then getting convince his face get a shade of sadness as he start sobbing. I quickly went to him and start caressing his hair,

"Clam down okh tell me what happen now" I said.

" see Yo>hic> you didn't>hic> uh.you didn't trust me.Bu>hic>bubu is bad..>hic>" he start crying again, hitting me.

"Awww alpha I didn't mean to say it in that way! Bubu trust you okh! okh cry, good alpha. Okh I am sorry, came make it, but I am going to be your helper okh" I said hugging him.

He give me a big smile and scratch the bowl from me.

We both wash our hands and I give him the rest ingredients,

We use eggs, chocolates, flour, etc etc,

We make the frosting, my hands are all dirty from the ingredients.

Normally we use the Spoon to mix that but him begin him he start mixing it with his hands, yes hands, his both hands

. He even start crying when I told him not to use his hands and use the spoon.

"Hey cutie, let me taste that" I tell him while getting the dishes on the table so that I can wash them later.

"How to?" He ask.

"Yeah feed me, and stop eating that like that, you will finish it" I look at him with my side eye, looking at a grown ass adult who looks like a kid who got catch steeling chocolates.

"Ah how do you know, okh how to feed you, and why will I feed you" he said angrily sulking like a kid.

"Awww wolfy, see I am doing some work, bubu cant eat it by myself, now feed me with that spoon" I said showing him the dishes

"Eww no spoon, I can make you taste it with my finger," I said as he put his whole hands infornt of me.

I lick a little on the side of the finger.

"Hmm it taste so good, you did a great job" I praise him with a smile as he smile back at me.

"Oh you got some on your neck" he said showing his finger which was pointing at my neck.

"AWoh what did I got there" I ask, begin confuse

"Its the frosting" He said,

I tried to take that of but that ended with it spreading more.

i was about to ask him to removes it but his hands were also dirty, I was about to wash my hand when he came closer, as I was moving my body get straight, I saw him coming closer as he bring his face closer, I close my eyes when I feel something on my neck, A cold feeling, I open my eyes to see his face on my neck and his lips on my skin, he give it a lick and then suck it as if there is some frosting left then he wipe it with his cheeks.

I was still when he give me a smile and peak on my lips.


"What was that?" I ask,

"I saw your hands are dirty and mine too, So I thought about licking it, see there is no more frosting there" He said pointing.

"bubu I think the cake is ready" He said as he drag me to the oven.

I push the thought and take out the cake,

We decorate the entire cake.

Rather then eating it he start playing with it,

I somehow manage to make him eait a slice.

We smile, giggle, he even cry for whatver reason. He also start talking with the cake,

I remember some lines like,

"See Mr.cake bubu and I made you.ok! If you be a bad cake when we are eating you, I will beat you up with the spoon, get it!"

Eating with him is fun.

Right now I am in the kitchen washing the dishes.

It took me 2 minutes, cuz the dish where we bake the cake, there were some burn cake stuck there.

After doing a lot of struggle I finally manage to clean it up.

I made a coffee for myself and bring a glass of water for the person who is upstairs.

I take little steps though his room, oops! sorry our room.

I open the door, and the next thing that attact me is a strong smell.

A really strong pheromones.


If someone can understand it, they can get it.

And guys if any of you think that phayu is too dumb, the level of childless is too much. So a reminder, he is sick, mentally. Behaving like this is kinda weird but he is sick guys, mentally sick.

Hiiii guyssssss!!!!

You know me, there is another chapter left, I will update after you all comment and vote.

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