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Its the aunty.

I remember her, I saw her when I met phayu for the first time in his room with all chains around him.

She give me a smile, I feel wolfy hiding behind me.

I also smile back at her and told her to come in. We sat on the sofa with him sitting beside him

"Hi dear Rain. I know you didn't recognize me. I am Rina. I used to take care of him. I came to saw him." she said so politely that almost get melted her words.

She seem old. Old enough to call a grandmother. I think she is younger then my grandma but definitely older then my mom.

"I recognize you Aunt. I am so happy that you came to see him"i give her a smile.

"Aunt wait let me bring you some thing to eating said stepping away from the sofa she ofc tried to tell me not to bring anything but I didn't anyway.

I saw her giving a smile to wolfy and saying hi to him waving.

He also give her a smile and told her hi.

I felt a relief when I feel him begin comfortable about her.

I bring things to eat and sit on the before position.

"I was trying to contact with him but suo of the situation I cant, so I thought about came and see him."she said taking a sip of the tea.

"I can understand how long you know him aunt?" I ask

"Almost after he born, I have been taking care of him till the day he born. I dont have a child so I treat and love him like my own child."she said smiling.

I smile back at her. Nodding my head when I heard her saying.

"Phayu dear, do you want this chocolates."she said giving him some chocolates. I give her a confused look. But she give me a 'relax' look.

He nodded quickly. Rather then giving him his chocolate she said,

"Say please!" She said.

I saw him making a face.

"I never say please!!" He shout.

I look at him furiously.

"Wolfy language!!"I warned.

He look at me.

"She is your elder. This is the way you talked with an elder!" I scold again.

He look at me with angry eyes and leave the place angrily while sulking.

"Why did you do that!" I ask her.

"I want to see if he changed or not. When he used to be normal I never saw him saying sorry, please or beg to a person. I was just seeing if he is the same or not"

"What do you mean by that ?" i ask. curiosity start growing in my head.

"From your face I can guess you can't agree. why?" she said.

"I see, Its like that, i saw him begging or saying sorry or pleasing me from the day I came. So why did he react like this to you. And what do you mean by he never did those things?" I ask raising and eyebrow unable to connect things.

"Listen Rain, I didnt know a lot of things as I never have the permission to came down or leave his room whenever his parents are at home. I am talking about when he is a child something around 13 or 14" she said explaining, but things got over my head.

"What do you mean? can you tell me more about him" I request.

"When he turn 18 the next day his father send him to another country for study. He came once in this 2 years in his sister dead." she stop.

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