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They probably dislike me , hate me , or..........

The thunderstorm hit in the middle of my thought that made me groan and the next moment i get scared cuz of the lightning , i press my face in the blanket , i sniff it , from the shirt it also st

art smell sweet , i warp the blanket all over my body and over my head , 

This is the first time i fell a sleep this fast , I think it happen cuz of the smell , 

The next morning i wake up fast i get to know it from the clock it was showing 6:30 i wake up early, bunbun will be proud of me , i happily went downstairs jumping to see bunbun still sleeping . I try not to disturb him I went to the kitchen , 


I wake up from the sudden loud noise , 

I quickly open my eyes to see what happen , The sound came from the kitchen . I went there and saw Mr. Phayu in the ground with a lot of piece of glass , 

Did he just broke a glass?

 Thats when his graze meets mine , i can see the guiltiness in his eyes , when the next moment I found him grabing my legs , 

He is grabing my legs .

I took some time to realize what happen when i heard him speak , 

"I am sorry bubun , i didnt mean to break it , I.....I" his voice crack , 

"I was just taking water when the glass slip form my hands , I dont mean to create any problem, I didnt mean to bunbun plz. I am sorry dont shout at me or hit me . I didnt mean to." he said but this tike his voice is strong and weak at the same time , I cant see the tear in his eyes but i can feel the guiltiness in his words , but why did he react like that its just a glass ,

I grad his hands and make him stand , Gave him the water that he was trying too drink , 

"Now tell me what are you doing this early at the morning " i ask , "Bunbun, I woke up early today . I thought you will be proud of me so i went downstairs to meet you . But you are sleeping that time so went to kitchen for drinking some water . When I feel pain in my head and the glass slip from my hand duo of the pain ,"saying this he hold my hand , "Trust me i didnt mean to " he said in a weak voice , 

"Listen Mr . Phayu its okay , Clam down . Bunbun didn't mind , its okay I will clean it later came with me now , " I said taking him to his room . I didnt ask about the pain as i know its from the last night fever , 

I make him sit on his bed warp the blanket around his body , that will keep him warm , i bring water , medicine . I gave him the medicine and make him lay on the bed , his face is still sad , 

And I don't like it , He should be smiling all the time , I hate this type of face of his , I stay there some time thinking what to do when i saw him closing his eyes which was looking at me the whole time , That's when i get a idea , 

I knee down in front of him . bring my face close to his face , 

"Wolfy!" i call in a low voice , and saw him opening his eyes , 

For the first time , I saw his eyes from this close . His eye colour is something like greenish blue, It exactly looks so sexy . perfectly goes with his face ,

 For some sec I forget who I am .

 For a sec i just want every thing to disappear so that i can just stay like this looking his eyes ,  Then I remember what I am suppose to do now

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