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My body became numb. My brain stop working. I cant take this things at the same time. sound of so little drops of rain is coming in my ear. Heart is fighting with my brain.

One is telling to cut the call and find him and another is telling to convince the person in the phone to understand my situation.

"Rain!" I heard a sound from the phone.

"Ye-yes papa. No dad. I am not working as a se-servant." I said in a shaking voice.

"Then what are you doing" he ask.

"D-dad its like..." I can't finish my sentence duo of my hard heartbeat and shaking voice.

"And what's with that voice Rain? " He scold again.

"Dad its not like that. Dad please listen to me. Dad I can't explain it to you now." I said

"Why?" He ask

"Dad I can't find him" I breath out holding my hands with my heart.

Sound of the rain is getting huge made me wanna curse the shit out of it.

"Who? Who are you talking about?" He ask.

"Phayu. My Phayu! I can't find him. When I wake up he is not in the bed. not even in the house. I search the whole forest, But can't find him. I have to find him dad." I said as my voice start shaking again.

"Rain! My child! what are you doing to yourself.! Look what you became! Look, you are crying for some guy" He said more like an whisper. His voice have a disbelief and a sadness in it.

"Dad he is not a random one. I -I can't leave without his warmness, without his silliness. I want to know what happen dad! Please dad. please." I whisper. I bet a anyone can tell it by my voice that I am crying.

"Stay safe, son" he said as I heard the phone ring. He cut it.

I place the phone on his pace. 

I was about to go out when I heard a bell. 

I feel something on my heart by the sound. I open the door.

My face get full with disappointed when I saw Mr.Mark standing there with his peoples.

And in sudden the realization hit me. What I am gonna say if he ask about wolfy.

"Where is phayu?" he ask juts next when I thought that.

"I-..I." I cant even finish my sentence when he place a news paper on my face which was in his hand.

My eyes got wide when I saw the pic. and start reading it the head line.

"The eldest son of 'Sermsongwittaya' company Phayu chaikamon's sickness. And his omega"

I eyes get more wide when I saw my pic in the news paper.

They have some more pic there including that night when I went to this house.

There was a picture which catch my attention. That photo get click in a distance but the face was clear.

There is a guy who is holding a person. and they are stepping down from the ambulance and went to hospital.

I get more shock when I see that person was Wolfy. his head was bleeding heavily, unconscious, Begin a mess. 

"Why getting shock. and now this little kiddo will tell me he is gone. didn't he" He ask in a clam voice.

I look at him shockingly.

"DON'T YOU HEAR ME!! WHERE IS HE?" he shout this time made me gasp a little.

"You are gonna find him today or you will see what happen" he said.

As I feel something on my face. He throw the paper in my face hard and went out while cursing in a low voice.

I heard the door closed.

I feel on my knees and start crying loudly.

"Phayu! Where are you?. Love. came back" I shout as I start feeling something on my head. I shake my head hard and stand up.

I run through the forest. I know he is somewhere here. cuz there is water all over the land and he cant go out without a boat or taxi.

I start running. But I slipped. 

I the mud get all over me. 

Unable to do anything I sit there in the rain. Water is going through my face to my body. I close my eyes shut crying.

Suddenly I start feeling disgusted for all the dirty thing I do thinking about him. 

Unknowingly I start hitting my leg.

I don't know when I was feeling like this. I want him. Want too feel him. Where is he? Is he okay? Did anyone do anything with him?

I look up and saw a light. 


That was the end, end of the forest.

I run.


And run. 

I was about to slipped many times but manage myself.

This fucking rain.

I went there. I saw beach.

My eyes start looking for him aggressively  

I..I saw something.

A bench. I saw a bench. a person.

I run though there. 

I saw someone.

His face was covered in his knees.

And I feel something again.


Hi guyss!!!!!!!!!! I know I am late. and its shot


I hope you all like it. I don't want anyone to suffer much so I finish it.

I start writing the next chapter a while ago, ibut it have a lot, an dtgere was a party or youn can say gathering in out school.

Its like we are gonna make a lot of stoles and sell things. So I am the head. Thats why I am not getting time to write.😅😅

again hope you all like it.

Don't forget to 


Luv u guyss<3333333333333

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