Chapter 10

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Becky's POV:

I ran down the hallway, my bag in hand.

"Becky, wait." Luke ran up to me and smiled. "Monday after school, we're going out. Okay? " Luke lowered his voice and smiled again.

"Got it, see ya Monday." I wrapped my arms around Luke and he kissed the top of my head. "I gotta go, dad's waiting outside." I pulled away and started down the hallway again. I turned the corner and slipped on my vans.

"Bye sweetie!" Liz yelled from the kitchen. "Have fun!"

"Bye Liz!" I grabbed a sweater from the closet and swung open the door. I shut it from behind me and ran towards my Uncle Shawn's car. My dad waved from the passenger seat and I smiled. I pulled open the back door and climbed in.

"Hey Becca." Dad greeted me and I smiled.

"Hi dad. Hi Uncle Shawn." I said while buckling my seat belt.

"Hey Beck, so I was thinking you and your dad can go see The Maze Runner. It just came out last week." Uncle Shawn offered and I nodded excitedly.

"I wanna see that movie soo bad!" I laughed and my dad laughed too.


I walked out of the screening room with my dad in tow.

"That was amazing!" I exclaimed while walking steadily beside my dad so he could keep up.

"I would defiantly watch it more than once." Dad said and I agreed, nodding my head.

"Is Uncle Shawn outside already?" I asked my dad as we approached the automatic opening doors.

"He should be, you getting hungry yet? We've got reservations at your favourite Italian restaurant." Dad said as the doors opened.

"I haven't had Italian in so long." I smiled, my stomach growling as I thought about the delicious food.

"I've also got a surprise for you, but you'll have to wait for that." Dad announced and I raised my eyebrows. This could be interesting.


"So what's the surprise?" I asked my dad as we were served our desert; Chocolate sundaes.

"Well.." Dad glanced at my uncle who nodded. "I'm moving to England."

I dropped my fork and looked at him in disbelief. "How is that a surprise?"

"I'm not finished yet Beck." Dad chuckled and I leant back, looking away. "I want you to come live with me. You can go to public school there, or online school, your choice."

"Would Uncle Shawn be coming too?" I asked, reaching for my glass of Ice Tea. I took a sip of the sweet drink as my dad nodded slowly.

"He would be living with us. In London." Dad smiled and reached below the table for something. He pulled a small box onto the table and pushed it towards me.

"What's this?" I picked up the box and waited for a reply.

"Open it." Dad replied, keeping his gaze locked on me. I carefully unwrapped the box and gasped. He got me an iPhone 5s! "It still has to be hooked up, but I thought you could get all your music on it at least. It will get hooked up when we move to England."

"Oh wow." I said, opening the lid of the box. There sat my very first phone, the back was a gold colour, and honestly.. I've never seen anything better than my iPad.

"Uncle Shawn also wanted you to have this." Dad passed me a smaller rectangular box and I opened it. Inside the box was two iTunes gift cards, $50 each. Underneath the cards was a phone case too, it was blue and read "I've Never Met a Pizza Like You Before".

"Wow dad, this is amazing. But why?" I turned the case multiple times in my hand, then placed it on the table as he talked.

"Think of it as a birthday present for the years I've been away." Dad reached across the table and grasped my hand, smiling. "I need to talk to you about something Rebecca."

"Shoot." I replied, staring into my dad's eyes. I never realized how alike our eyes are. I always thought I had my mom's eyes.

"Your mom, she's probably going to jail. For keeping you from me, and hiding you. I've already talked to my lawyer, and if she goes away, I will be granted full custody of you. The only way of that happening though, is getting your input on all this, when we go to court." Dad explained, worry laced his usually casual voice.

"Oh." I whispered, staring down at my lap. Was I ready to lose my mom? Sure we fought, like all the time, but I'm not sure I can do that. She would hate me. What am I thinking, she's lied to me since I was young, put me through so much pain. But it's time to move on, I need to start my life again, this time with my dad and uncle. I am ready.

A/N: I'm sorry for such a short chapter! I'm planning some drama for the next one! In fact I am already working on the next chapter!

Some new characters will be coming in shortly, as for Becky's mom...

Whoops, little spoiler 😋😁

I just want to thank you guys for all the support. Even though I like never update.

~Sammy ♥️💚

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