Chapter 3

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Becky's POV:

I sat in the office, not impressed by what just happened. Let's just say my "time of the month" came early. And my strict uniform policy at school couldn't deal with me wearing my Phys Ed shorts for the day. But wait! It gets worse. The only person at home was Luke and Ashton, and Ashton answered the phone because Luke went back to bed. Now here I am, waiting for Ashton to pick me up. I sighed and stood up as Ashton came through the door with a bag in hand. He handed the bag to me with a slight smile on his face and I rolled my eyes.

"Jerk." I waved off the secretary, and she did the same. Ashton trailed behind me and I stopped outside.

"Becky, it's fine. Trust me." Ashton grabbed my wrist and I turned around.

"You know what's not fine? Having to call a guy who I don't know, to come pick me up from school because I got my period. That's what's not fine." I buried my head in my hands and Ashton sighed. He wrapped one arm around my shoulder and pulled me into a side hug, I hugged back. "Can we just go? I feel like if I stay here any longer I'll have to deal with the rest of my problems."

"Sure." Ashton led me to his car and I got in. There was complete silence the rest of the ride.

~at home~

I laid down on the couch, face first and groaned loudly. I hate being a girl.

"Becky, I have to go. I'll see ya later." Ashton walked through the room and I mumbled a goodbye before he shut the front door. Silence filled the house and I fell into a deep sleep.

~a little later~

"Why aren't you at school?" The familiar Australian accent asked me and I shook my head.

"You don't want to know Luke." I opened my eyes and was captured by a shirtless Luke. Oh my gosh..

"Are you sure? I am babysitting-" I sprung forward and placed a hand over his mouth.

"Don't. Just don't." I said, cutting him off. I stared into his blue eyes, searching for some kind of approval. He slowly nodded and I moved my hand away.

"Want to watch a movie?" Luke asked, stalking over to the stack of movies by the tv stand.

"Sure." I replied, scanning through the movie titles. My mouth dropped open and I let out a squeal. "Katy Perry!"

"Alright." Luke smiled, and grabbed the movie. Placing it in DVD player and turning the lights off. Luke disappeared for a few minutes and came back with two bowls of ice cream. He handed one to me along with a spoon and took a seat next to me. This kid is amazing.

About half way through the movie, I was lying on my back with my feet propped on top of Luke's lap. I frowned at the fact that so many girls and boys get to meet her, and then there's me. The loser kid who's mom dumps her with random people. I don't even have anyone to talk to. I grabbed the remote and pressed pause.

"Luke?" I murmured, chewing on my nails as I decided whether or not to ask him this.

"Becky?" Luke replied, smiling cheekily.

"I uhm... I don't know if you or your mum know this.. But I get dumped with a lot of people and..." I paused and looked up at the ceiling. "Is it bad that I don't want to live with my mom anymore..?"

"I guess it all depends on the situation. What about your dad?" Luke looked at me with sincerity and it took me a minute to realize what he just asked. I choked back a sob and opened my mouth, trying to say something but nothing came out. Luke's curiosity quickly turned into guilt and I quickly pulled myself off the couch. Luke stood up and I backed away. Tears brimmed my eyes as a small flashback filled my mind.


I shook my head in disbelief. "Daddy, you can't leave though, I need you here!"

"I'm sorry sweetie, I have to go. I've already said yes." My dad knelt down in front of me and cupped my chin. "I love you so much baby girl, I'll see you in 5 months okay?"

I nodded slowly and threw my arms around his neck. "I love you too daddy."


I collapsed onto the ground and broke into a full on sob. If only he didn't leave, if only he wasn't deployed to Afghanistan. If only he didn't walk right into that trap. Luke sat down next to me and pulled me into a hug. My whole body tingled at his touch. This is so wrong, so so wrong. I shouldn't feel this way towards a 17 year old... Maybe just for now...

Luke's POV:

I sat down next to Becky and pulled her into a hug. A weird sensation ran through my veins as she hugged me back, what is going on? Am I falling for a 13 year old girl?

A/N: Let's hear your feedback on this chapter please! ☺️

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