Chapter 11

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Becky's POV::

"Over the weekend, I asked you to take your sketch pads home. Since most of you didn't work on your drawings, you have one more night. Tomorrow, you will present them to the class. You will also explain why you drew what you did." Mrs. Kramer stood at the front of the class, arms crossed, as she talked to us. "No excuses. Because I know some of you think you can get away with it, because of problems at home. If that is the case, go to the park, bring your sketch pad with you. No reason why it shouldn't be done."

Mrs. Kramer examined to everybody, and surprisingly nobody huffed and puffed. The bell rang loudly, and everyone jumped out of their seats, ready to go home.

"I'll see ya later Becky. I would walk with you to the doors but my grandpa is in town, visiting. So he's picking me up." Ana hugged me, and grabbed her binder. I nodded in reply, and watched her leave, her waving a quick goodbye to our teacher. I stuffed my sketch pad into my bag and zipped it up.

"Cindy, you aren't allowed in here." Mrs. Kramer said aloud, and I looked up. My mom was quickly walking over to me, her face flustered, looking angry. She looked like a wreck, her hair was thrown up messily into a ponytail, and she had bags under her eyes.

"Rebecca let's go." My mom grabbed a fist full of my hair and pulled me toward the door, to which I screamed out at her.

"No!" I pulled my hair out of her grip and pushed her away from me.

"Cindy, you need to leave. You are not aloud on school premises right now." Mrs. Kramer stood between us, as I clutched my head where my hair was pulled.

"Get the fuck out of my way. I'm taking my daughter." Mom pushed past my teacher and charged at me. I turned to run, but she grabbed my foot, pulling me to the ground. I hit the ground face first, hearing a loud crack. I kicked my foot back in return, hearing a thud. Pain shot through my nose, and the tears began to flow down my cheeks. As well, blood gushed from my nose.

"Please get someone down here now!" Mrs. Kramer yelled, most likely into her phone.

"You little bitch." Mom pulled me up by my arms and I covered my nose, which blood flowed freely from.

"Mom no! Leave me alone!" I cried, spitting blood from my mouth, trying to wiggle out of my mom's grasp. An arm reached for me and pulled me towards them. Mrs. Kramer held me against her, and I looked away from my mom.

"Get down on your knees!" Someone yelled, and I looked at the door, seeing two cops enter the room. Mrs. Kramer let go of me, grabbing a tissue box. She knelt down in front of me and pulled several tissues out, handing them to me. I held them to my nose, tears still streaming down my face. My hands were sticky with blood, and I felt slightly dizzy. All I could focus on was the extreme pain in my nose, and my teacher in front of me. She said nothing, but kept handing me more tissues. I looked over by the door to see my mom in handcuffs, and a police officer pushing her out of the room. The other officer came over to me and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Hello sweetie, let's get you out of here okay? I'm going to bring you to an ambulance outside." The officer smiled at Mrs. Kramer, who now that I realize, had blood staining her navy blue blouse. The whole walk outside was a blur, as my head pounded and spun. My nose still bled, soaking the tissues and my hands. As I was rushed into an ambulance, I closed my eyes and cried. Wishing for a better life.


I closed my eyes as the adults in the room talked, about what happened. My dad and Uncle Shawn met us at the hospital, and were infuriated with my mom. Mrs. Kramer rode in the ambulance with me, holding my hand as I cried. It was embarrassing honestly, my teacher seeing my cry. The doctors gave me pain medication, and confirmed that I broke my nose, to which he placed a splint on my nose. It hurt to breath through my nose, so I have to breath through my mouth most of the time.

"Thank you so much Mrs. Kramer, I owe you greatly." Dad said, shaking Mrs. Kramer's hand.

"Don't worry about it. As for her school work, we will catch her up on all her work once she returns. Her friend Ana, may want to come visit, she might be able to bring her missed work too." Mrs. Kramer said, glancing back at me.

"Of course, I'll let you say goodbye. Thank you again." Dad walked out of the room and Mrs. Kramer walked over to me.

"Hey." Mrs. Kramer smiled at me, and I returned the smile, weakly but never the less. "I want you to take your time getting better. Not just physically okay? Feel free to talk to me whenever, I'll leave my number with your dad okay?"

"Okay." I said, nodding. Mrs. Kramer knelt down to hug me and I accepted, wrapping my arms behind her back. She left the room quickly after the brief hug, probably because her daughter is still at daycare, and she's the only one to pick her up. The door opened again, and I looked up. Seeing Luke enter the room.

"You look worse than I expected." Luke came towards me and sat on my hospital bed. I gave him a questioning look, and he pulled out his phone. He handed it to me, and it was on the front facing camera. My nose was bruised badly, and the dark bruise was spreading under my eyes. Some dried blood still stained below my nose.

"Way to raise my confidence Hemmings. By the way, I'm sorry about tonight. I don't think it's going to happen." I frowned and handed him back his phone.

"That's alright. If you get out of here tonight, we can ask your dad to stop at an ice-cream shop. That's what I was planning to do." Luke held his phone up and leaned closer to me, snapping a picture.

"Luke!" I reached for his phone as he laughed, standing up from my reach. I crossed my arms and glared at him, to hell he just took a picture of me. I heard another snap, and that's when I sat up, pushing the covers off of me. He typed furiously on his phone, and I pushed myself up from the bed. Surprisingly, I didn't get dizzy. Good thing because I was going after him.

"Better run Hemmings." I said, stepping towards him. He looked at me, then bolted for the door. He swung it open and ran down the hall. I chased after him, earning several yells from my dad and uncle. A doctor called for us to stop, but I wasn't letting him post it. He disappeared behind a corner, and I slowed down, pushing myself against the wall as I inched towards the corner. I turned around and grabbed the phone out of his hands, turned back around and bolted down the hallway. Call it instincts, but I knew he would stop at the corner.

"Rebecca!" Dad bellowed as I got closer. I stopped and smiled at him, then uncle Shawn. I looked down at the phone and deleted the post that almost went on Twitter, and deleted the lone photo of just me from a few minutes ago. I locked his phone and held it in my hands as I glanced up. Liz and Andrew were standing there, smiling at me.

"Here, have Luke's phone." I handed the phone to Liz and looked behind me, to see Luke being scolded by a doctor.

"That was so much fun." I laughed, tightening my ponytail.

A/N:: 1358 words! There's going to be a part two to this chapter, only it will be Chapter 12.

Song: Flashlight (originally by JessieJ) sung by Megan Nicole.

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