Freeing the Tailed Beasts

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Y/n's POV

When I saw Lloyd and Gaara I stared at them both for a minute. Then flung myself at Lloyd. He caught me. "I thought you were dead!" I cried hugging him tightly and grabbing Gaara's hand at the same time.

Lloyd rolled his eyes. "Madara barely even attacked me. He attacked the Kage instead."

"Besides, there's no way Lloyd would let any of us die," Gaara added.

I let go of them both. "You both are so dead after this war," I warned them.

Lloyd grinned. "You'll have to catch us first." Then he turned to Obito. "He became the Jinchuriki for Ten-Tails."

I nodded. "Sasuke and Naruto are working together to free everyone. We're just trying to get rid of that stupid tree. But it can attack us."

Lloyd looked at it for a minute. His hands lit on fire and he shot fire at it. The branch that was heading toward Temari jerked back. "Fire seems to work."


Lloyd continued using his fire not letting any of the branches get anyone. Gaara watched him for a minute. "Lloyd, you keep doing that. Y/n, see if you can go help Naruto and Sasuke. I lead everyone else," he said.

"Okay," I said and started running to the two of them. I flipped and landed beside them. Naruto and Sasuke both looked at me. "What?" I grumbled. "I had other stuff to deal with."

Naruto turned back to Obito. "How are we going to beat him?" He murmured to Sasuke and me.

I thought for a minute. Then an idea slid into my head. "I got it! Naruto, bring Kurama back out. Sasuke, you bring your Susano'o out and make it so Kurama is shielded. Like Madara did once a long time ago," I told them.  They did it. But Sasuke had made sure I was with them. I rolled my eyes. "I didn't expect you to bring me with you."

"We need you so you get to stay," he replied.

I snorted and lifted my hands. Silver started flowing out of me and around Kurama. I weaved my hands. "Silver, Susano'o, Kurama!" I cried and the Silver solidified.

Naruto looked around. "What did you do?"

"Made it so you can use Silver Sand," I replied panting. It takes a lot of Chakra to do what I just did.

Lloyd's POV

The whole bottom part of the tree was scorched and it was still sending branches outward. I had missed a couple and there Chakra was sucked out of some of our people. I made a frustrated sound as another one was caught. Gaara put his hand on my shoulder. "Easy, Lloyd. You're doing fine," he said.

I shook his hand off. "If I was doing fine no one would be losing their Chakra," I snapped.

"Gaara's right, Lloyd," Temari said. "You doing good. You can't save everyone."

I shut my eyes and shot fire at the tree again. This time making the fire grow hotter and hotter. I opened my eyes and saw the tree was no longer attacking people. Mostly because the whole bottom part was on fire. Sweat broke out on my forehead as I kept the fire burning. Then I had to stop or I'd pass out. As it was I dropped to my knees panting. "Lloyd!" Gaara said kneeling beside me. "Are you okay?"

I shook my head. "Pushed it too far," I panted.

"Temari, help him to the healing area."

"Okay," she said and put my arm around her shoulders. I went with her and as soon as we walked into the white stuff, I felt my exhaustion disappear and my strength return.  I tugged my arm from around Temari's shoulders and stood by myself. "Better?" She asked.

I nodded. "Yeah."

We both went back to Gaara. He looked at me closely. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." I paused. "I won't be after this war though."


"I'm pushing it right now. I know as soon as this is over, I'm going to pass out."

"Well, the tree hasn't attacked since you burnt it. So you can take a break." 

I looked in the direction Y/n had gone in. I watched as the Tailed beast exploded outward. Watched as Kurama missed Shukaku and the Eight Tails. "Gaara," I said. "They need your help."

He followed my gaze and went off. I followed more slowly. Minato had everyone grab onto his Chakra and pull. I did it too. Then suddenly I collapsed. I knew I hadn't healed fully. I just thought I had longer. The world faded into darkness.

Y/n's POV

I smiled as we pulled every tailed beast out of Obito. "We did it!" I said excitedly. Obito collapsed and Sasuke started running toward him. Naruto chased after him. Kakashi appeared out of nowhere and told Naruto to go deal with Madara. Sand slid under me and Gaara lifted us so we were both in the air. I looked around. "Where's Lloyd?" I asked.

Gaara blinked and looked around. "I don't know."

I inhaled sharply. "Okay. We'll find him after we help Naruto." I let Gaara talk to the Tailed Beasts. We went to where Madara was and fought. When Madara has the chains start grabbing Tailed Beasts, I cursed. I raised my hands and Silver sand hands clamped on the chains and wouldn't let them pull anymore. "I wish I knew how to break these," I grumbled. Suddenly Shukaku was pulled in and everyone else was too. I watched as Kurama was ripped out of Naruto. Gaara caught him with sand and looked at me. I nodded. I'd handle things as best I could here.

I turned just in time to see Madara stab Sasuke. "Sasuke!" I cried running over. I jumped and landed in front of Madara. 

"Move, girl," Madara said.

I lifted my chin defiantly. "No."


"I won't let you become the Ten Tails Jinchuriki. We just ripped them out of Obito."

"You have no choice." Suddenly he stabbed me too. 

I ground my teeth together as I felt it go through me. He yanked it out and I dropped to the ground. Silver Sand burst around out of the ground and wrapped around him. "Silver...Coffin," I forced out between my teeth. Blood exploded but since I was weak it didn't do much damage. My eyes started to close. No! I can't let Gaara down. I can't! But I couldn't move and everything went dark.

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