A Month Later

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Lloyd's POV

"Y/n keeps avoiding me," I complained to Gaara, Kankuro, and Temari. 

Kankuro snorted. "It's been a month and you still haven't talked to her about what she said?"

I scowled. "She's good at hiding."

"I've spoken to her and she says that she didn't mean to say what she did and wants to remain friends with you," Temari said.

I groaned. "Then how am I supposed to tell her how I feel?"

"How do you feel?" Gaara asked.

I looked at the ground. "I love her."

"Oh," Temari said. "I could tell her that you love her. Maybe then she'll stop running from you."

I gave her a small smile. "Maybe."

The door opened and Y/n walked in. She took one look around the room and made a run for it. However, Gaara was quicker. He used his sand to shut the door and made it so she couldn't open it. "Gaara, please let me out," she said quietly.

"I don't think so. We were just talking about you and Lloyd told us something I believe you should hear," Gaara said.

She turned. "Oh? And what would that be?"

They all looked at me. "Lloyd?" Temari said.

I sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Um..." I shut my eyes. "Y/n, I love you."

Y/n's POV

Did he just say... I stared at him. "What?"

He opened his eyes. "I love you."

I gulped. "Uh...um..." What am I supposed to say? Temari gave me a pointed look. I groaned. "Fine," I huffed at her. I turned to Lloyd. "I love you too."

He smiled. "Good." He walked over to me and kissed me gently. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. He pulled back. "Y/n, we're in front of our team," he murmured.

I blinked. "Whoops." I backed up and looked at the others who were all smirking at me. I scowled. "Back off."

"Oh, that reminds me," Lloyd said. "I just got a letter from Hinata. She and Naruto are getting married."

Gaara sat back in his chair. "Naruto's getting married?"


Kankuro turned to Temari. "Weren't you just there? Did you know?"

She blushed and looked away. "It might have come up."

"And you didn't tell us! You're lucky Naruto and Hinata are friends with Lloyd."

"Guys," Lloyd said. "Enough. Do you guys want to go?"

"Yes," Gaara said instantly. 

I nodded. "It sounds fun."

"Yes," Kankuro said.

Temari shrugged. "I guess I could go."

Lloyd smirked. "Shikimari is going to be there."

Her face turned redder. "I-I don't care if he's there or not."

I laughed. "Girl, we all know you like him."

"I do not! He's lazy. I can't be with someone like that!"

Lloyd raised an eyebrow. "Then why are you blushing?"

"I'm not!" She ran out of the room.

Lloyd chuckled. "I'll go send a letter to Hinata. Letting her know we're all coming."

"Okay," Gaara said.

Lloyd left the room. I smiled. "Naruto getting married, Lloyd and I getting together, it's all just perfect." I paused. "When are you two going to get a girl?"

Gaara shook his head. "There's no one I'm interested in."

"Yeah," Kankuro agreed.

"You're just picky," I muttered.

"No, we just haven't fallen in love with anyone yet," Gaara said.

I sighed. "You will eventually."


Lloyd's POV

I watched the hawk fly away with my message. I now had a lot of friends, a girlfriend, and I had my parents. My life in this world is going perfectly but I sometimes find myself missing Ninjago. I know I made my decision but I do wonder if the Ninja are protecting the City. I also wonder how they are. I kicked a pebble. I don't care. Ninjago is no longer my home. Suna is. "Lloyd?" Gaara called.

I snapped my head up. "Hey, Gaara. What's up?"

"Wondering what was taking you so long," he replied.

I looked at my watch and winced. "Sorry. I was thinking."


I sighed. "Ninjago."

He frowned. "You don't want to go back, do you?"

I shook my head quickly. "No. This is my home.  I'm just wondering if the Ninja are doing a good job in protecting it."

"I'm sure they are."

"I also hope they're doing fine."

"You miss them."

"Maybe a little."

"But you still want to live here?"


"Good. I'm sure the Ninja are fine. Let's start heading to Konoha."

I smiled. "Okay." We headed to the edge of Suna and I saw Y/n, Kankuro, and Temari were already there.

"About time," Kankuro said.

"Shut up," I said.

We headed out. 

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