In Konoha

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Y/n's POV

It took three days to get to Konoha. I glanced at Lloyd who was walking beside Gaara. He's been a little tight-lipped about what they talked about on the first day of our journey. They haven't had another conversation since Lloyd's been splitting his time between Temari, Kankuro, Gaara, and me. He's a good friend and I don't understand why someone would want to send him away. The Hokage met us at the gate. "Hello," he said.

"Hi," Baki said. "this is Gaara, Temari, Kankuro, Lloyd, and Y/n."

"Nice to meet you all," Hokage said. "I am Sarutobi. Welcome to Konoha."

"Thank you," Baki replied.

The Hokage gave us identification cards then handed us a map. "Your rooms are ready. I hope you enjoy your stay."

We went to our room. Kankuro stretched. "I think I'm going to go explore."

I frowned. "Why?"

"You know, see who we're competing with."

"You aren't planning to fight any of them, are you?" Lloyd asked.

"No," Kankuro said.

"Temari and I will go with you," I said.


"Because I don't trust that you won't do anything," I replied.

He put a hand over his heart. "Ouch. Oh, that hurts."

I snorted. "Please. That didn't even hurt a little bit."

"True," he allowed. "Let's go." We left.

Lloyd's POV

I ended up going with them. We were walking when a little kid ran into Kankuro. Kankuro grabbed him by the front of his shirt. A girl with pink hair and a boy with blond hair was right behind him. "Hey, let him go," the blond boy said.

"I don't think I will," Kankuro said.

"Kankuro," Y/n said in a warning tone.

A rock hit him. "Let him go," a boy with black hair and a blue stripe said.

He dropped the kid and started grabbing The Crow. "I'll teach them a lesson."

I put my hand on his arm. "This is exactly why we came with you," I said. "Put The Crow away."

"Kankuro, what are you doing?" Gaara said suddenly appearing upside down on a tree.

"Um, nothing," Kankuro said hurriedly putting The Crow back on his back.

Gaara moved so he was standing in front of us. "I'm sorry about my team," he said.

Y/n snorted. "You aren't even a little sorry."

Gaara glared at her. "Shut up."

She clenched her fists. "Don't tell me what to do," she growled.

"Enough," I said stepping forward. I turned to the Konoha people. "We really are sorry for what happened. We just got here a few hours ago and are still learning some stuff."

"Lloyd's the peacemaker," Temari said under her breath.

I scowled. "No, I'm just trying to save some people's lives."

"People have to have a pass to come here," the pink-haired girl said.

I slid mine out. "We do."

We started walking. "Hey, you with the gourd, the guy with long hair, and the girl with h/c hair," black hair said.

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