Chapter 27: Marjani

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Ujuu and Zaruna tumbled through the golden portal and landed facedown onto the cool surface before them

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Ujuu and Zaruna tumbled through the golden portal and landed facedown onto the cool surface before them. Several ripples expanded away from the liquid's surface where they lay. The pair raised their heads, both realizing they were sitting on top of what looked like water, then looked over their shoulders to see the  gateway behind them had disappeared.

    "Ve're not sinking," Zaruna gasped, her magenta eyes growing wide with shock. "Vhat is dis?"

    "I don't know," Ujuu replied, his tone perplexed like his girlfriend's.

    The pair gazed skyward, noting the heavens were a mix of purple and blue with cotton candy clouds hovering high above. A huge full moon took up the majority of the sky. Water covered the entire surface of whatever planet they were on, expanding all the way to the horizon and beyond. The reflection of the sky and moon was cast back through the liquid's surface, seamlessly tying them together.

    Ujuu cautiously rose, noting how the parts of his clothing that touched the liquid was wet. He then offered his girlfriend a hand, who gladly took it, and Ujuu hoisted her up.

    "Look," Zaruna whispered, pointing at the water below. "Zhere's land beneazth us."

    Sure enough, Ujuu spotted brown soil and green forests far below from where they stood. The leaves fluttered in an invisible breeze, the foliage swaying back and forth as if dancing to a melody.

    "This is such a weird world," Ujuu breathed.

    "I-neh-tw-eh-ra-neh-oa-mo-uh-neh-ki-ah-i," Zaruna chanted.

    The pair was disappointed when portals didn't appear in front of them.

    "It hasn't been ten minutes yet," Ujuu sighed. "We all shouldn't have chanted that spell at the same time as an Angel."

    The trees far below rustled, their movement breaking away from the rhythm of the leaves rocking back and forth. A creature emerged, rising from the ground as if it were flying.

    "It's coming towards us," Ujuu breathed, his skin prickling at the sight.

    The closer the alien got, the more Ujuu and Zaruna could make out its features. The top half somewhat resembled them in looks, except the skin was teal while the hair and eyes were bright pink. The bottom half was what threw off the couple.

    "A tail like a fish?" Ujuu wondered aloud.

    "Doesn't zhat look like a mermaid?" Zaruna gasped.

    "It does... Those actually exist?"

    "Zhey do in dis world."

    The mermaid was almost directly beneath the pair. The creature fluttered its long black eyelashes at them, flashed a fanged smile, and waved a shimmering scaled hand in their direction.

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