Chapter 30: Back to Etheria

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Krista Demarko booked it down the hallway, her swift footsteps hastening with each passing second

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Krista Demarko booked it down the hallway, her swift footsteps hastening with each passing second.

    Tishva is somehow alive inside Zinvi! I don't understand it, but I know that was him talking to me!

    The teen's grip on the keychain tightened, so she could quiet the clinking metal keys.

    I want to tell Corvus I'm leaving, but I can't risk being caught. I have to sneak aboard a sky ship while I still can.

    Krista didn't know where the man's cell was, but they had communicated inside the Citadel's garden by drawing Casmerahn letters in the dirt.

    I'm glad Tishva taught me some Casmerahn. I spelled out all the Demonic spells I know in that language, so Corvus could read them.

    Krista's spine shivered at the memories of Zinvi testing her abilities within the underground lab back in Casmerah.

    I can't speak or use that Magic, but Corvus can.

    The teen thought back to the man's shocked expression when he realized what Krista had given him.

    "Demoni Magicus est ka?" Coruvs asked in a hushed whisper, his bushy eyebrows raised.

    "Jai," Krista wrote in the earth with her fingers. "Speak this word aloud to use the Spell. Don't do it right now or you'll get caught."

    The blond grinned to herself as she sucked in air through her teeth. Hopefully Corvus can sabotage Zinvi and Pontiff's plans with them.

    Krista slowed her pace when she reached the elevator at the end of the hall. She pressed the down arrow and tapped her foot impatiently on the golden carpet covering every inch of the ground.

    I'm escaping today, and no one's going to stop me!

    At long last the double doors parted, revealing the interior of the small mobile room. Krista entered the lift and pressed the B button that was jutting out from the wall.

    I'm finally going home.

    The blond thought back to when she had seen Malik for the first time. Just imagining the poor kid's malnourished, skeletal body caused her skin to crawl.

     I'd save you if I knew where you were. I hope Corvus finds you!

* * *

    Soraya's insides churned with unease at the idea of being immortal, at the thought of outliving her friends.

    She glanced down the cliffside on her left. The alien landscape lay far below the mountain side that she, Jonathan, Rhys and Moiya were standing on. The blood filled tree sitting within the center was completely still, like a statue.

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