1| Savoured Evening

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I regain consciousness as pain is flooding my head- no, my whole body. Why does everything hurt as hell? No... more importantly, what happened? And where am I?! As I ask these questions to myself, all of the sudden, flashbacks start running through my head, making me remember what exactly happened. The physical pain numbs... and my heart cracks. Quite literally.
Damn second life.
Goddamn fight.
Really, I just want to cry and hide away at this point. What else is left to do anyways? I sigh heavily, already losing my will to live again. I don't care where I am, not anymore. The injuries from the fight and the things I lost is lasting a strong impact as I remember what lead up to this point in my life, it sucks every single bit of energy out of my body. I can't even find the will to open my eyes. Truly pathetic. I'm rambling again. Can't I just forget everything? Would probably the best option to erase the pain, mentally. Sadly, I do not possess the ability to do that. I was able to wish my life back- stronger than ever, but I pay the price I believe. And now I'm just laying here... and I have no idea for how long I just might.

After what feels like forever, I start to relax. Seems like my body is so drained that it put itself into resting modus to replenish energy. I still don't want to use the little energy remaining on opening my eyes, also everything STILL HURTS- yet, I feel calmer. That's a start. Blind and increasingly bored at time passing, I sharpen my other senses on the noises around me and things touching my body, trying to recognize the outside as best as possible. The ground feels rather soft underneath me. Soft soil, also dry soil. Sand, maybe? But hold on, the ground is soft?? Well, that is certainly weird. I only remember standing on hard ground before impulsively passing out, it also feels like grass is growing on it. Long grass. It tickles a bit and smells fresh and sort of does help to relax me further. Then a breeze passes by, softly patting me, stroking through my hair. I'm outside? Wasn't I just in... the Void? In pure nothingness that is unnerving to all? I sigh, inhaling the air deep into my lungs. For how long have I been here? Where is here? Which world?
I shift around a bit, making myself a little more comfortable, accepting my fate to replenish energy for a while. Positively, the climate seems to be warm, so yea I most definitely could be in a worse situation. It's not hot, if I had to take a guess based on the climate in my original home, I'd say it's late summer, August or early September maybe. Or it's just middle summer with a surprisingly cold evening. Or late spring, May or June.
Another breeze strokes of the area and I smell a tint of saltiness. Am I close to the sea?
This day continues to surprise me further and further. My emotions stir up again, I have never been well with those.
I try to calm myself down. Calm down, there will be an answer to everything. She'll be okay. She always is. She will find you and we'll continue travelling soon.

I yawn, my head shutting down.
If I had to jump to conclusions at my current state, I probably got teleported here, that would make the most sense. The situation in the void was quite heated, so she probably teleported me. Yeah, I'll stick with that explanation for now. And now I'll have to wait... I can't jump between universes or timelines. I'll think later about what to do next.
I'm sure it'll be alright.

With that, I pass out once more.

Indonesia's POV (Point of View)

I stretch, walking out the front door with a jacket and some pants fit for summer. The sun shines bright and the sky is already turning into a golden, orange color. There are no clouds and the night will be absolutely beautiful. So, yeah! It's a really nice day, I gotta say. I wait for my friends to finally join me, as we have big plans this evening. Am I getting impatient!
'Then get them!' my brain scoffs at me. Introducing: My intrusive thoughts! They sort of keep talk to me. Not sure if that is normal, but I've gotten used to it.
'Don't ignore me, I hear you'
"Yeah, yeah, shut up." I don't like the voice; it always bothers me. I sigh and spin around. Where was I? Right. Where the hell are they? It's so nice outside and I can't stay inside any longer! Especially, since it was too hot around noon to go outside or do anything basically, so we spend the day inside our house. Quite boring, I have too much energy leftover. My friends finally step out the door to join me, I live with Philippines and Malaysia in the same house. Mal carries a Volleyball, Phil a bag with towels and swim wear. Then we start walking. Sure, the sun is already going down, but since it's still very warm outside, we (and some other countries) decided to go to the beach and enjoy the evening there. Poland and Germany wanted to bring drink -I really hope Poland is managing to keep Germs from bringing beer only- and others like Japan, Italy and America, the USA to be exact, wanted to bring food and music as well. Oh, this will be the best evening EVER! Japan is a really sweet person and I like her so much! Ame is quite helpful, but also weird and Germs is pretty handsome, but strict, like ah Allah! Everyone is being so chill and cool with me all the time. I am just, popular~
'And you're just getting ahead of yourself'
"You ARE my head!"
There is a town near the sea build for us countries. Countries only. We got isolated from normal 'humans' after World War 2, for 'safety'-reasons and not being used as 'weapons' in further wars and discussions. And if I'm honest, whenever I watch the news- I am pretty happy that things are that way. Anyways.

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