22| Sweet and Sour

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Indonesia's POV

My fingers tap impatiently against the wood on the bed frame. I had taken the blindfold off and at the moment I am looking out the window, just waiting. Anticipating. When is he coming back? She had rudely interrupted us and torn him away. Though, the happiness is bubbling up inside me. It would be even more if he was here again. I almost cringe at myself whenever I think about how much in love I am, even though I don't know him that well. That will change soon! But right now, in this exact moment, I just want to enjoy cuddling and being close to him, and maybe I'm going to kiss him again. I really want to, to be honest, I want to share my affection with him, he seems lonely at times. I am curious about the scar I have felt too. I feel like I just can't know enough. Yet, if I dwindle on that thought too much I might fall into depressions, I surely don't want that! I sigh, turning my head around. Well- here isn't much to see here, just my room. I could clean it again, Phil would be happy, though it is just alright enough. My sorted chaos better stays sorted chaos!

Since everything is calming down again, and all the shock, arguing and Malay scaring the crap out me with his behavior, I lay down and glare at the white, yellowish ceiling of my room. I close my eyes. I feel tired from everything- but at the same time I couldn't fall asleep with my heart still racing. But feeling like I could go out like a light I eventually do fall asleep, dreaming about mine and my 'Mate's relationship in the future. I'm sure it'll be wonderful! Before my brain was able to start to imagine anything else- the door reopens, then closes again. Turning my head, I see my partner standing at the door, fiddling with the key in the lock. My lip curl into a smile as I watch him do so. There is the locking sound, and he turns to me afterwards, tilting his head. I wave a little yet say nothing as he approaches and sits down next to me on the bed. Only then, the guy speaks.
"Sorry I took so long, but no one will interrupt us now...I hope." I hear the quiet voice of my 'Mate' speak to me, and it just warms my heart. The answer of him causes me to smile more.
"Oh- No, no, it is totally fine- nothing happened anyways- you didn't miss a single thing, I swear." I reply and get a slight smile.
"You're so silly sometimes." he chuckles lightly and I lean against him in retaliation. Good to know that we are completely alone by now. And staying alone. I was also thinking about asking what was up- but he seems to be in a rather dire mood and she had sounded serious, I wouldn't want to make the mood worse by asking. Suddenly I got pulled into a hug. My heart rate immediately spikes as I am not blindfolded and he trusts me with this close contact already! I feel a little awkward and restrain from looking up and in his face, so I simply keep grabbing onto his coat, waiting for anything to happen next.

"I... I have probably asked before, yet it doesn't leave my head."
"What is it?"
"You might feel uncomfortable with the topic."
"I don't care, you already got me curious."
"Well, uh, about the Netherlands."
"Netherlands? Again? We talked about him so much already." I wonder, both curious and a little frustrated. What is the great deal with a dead guy?!
"No, go on, please. I'm not afraid of it anymore."
"I was afraid of accepting him again. Even after he changed. And I had already spun a narrative that I was afraid to break out of. It was just easier to go along with it." I sigh. My confession is met with silence, as the other male seems to be thinking. He takes my hat off again and puts his hand in my hair, stroking it while thinking.
"What would you do if he suddenly reappeared?"
"Would you continue your narrative?"
"I- "
"Even if others would try to push it again? Or would you try to get to understand him, and would find a way to come to terms with him?"
"Would you leave the easy route?"
"What... why are you asking that? What are you implying?" I question, clueless. His caressing stops for a moment and the breathes out, as if he had been holding his breath.
"Nothing I... was just curious. Never mind."

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