Extra Chapter

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I float around nothingness, regenerating from it. It helps me heal. Vast nothingness with none and infinite energy at the same time. Maybe, a world will be born here someday. Black liquid forming my body into shape. And here I am now, in the complete darkness, pretty much somewhere in nowhere, literally nowhere. I spend some time in this world I woke up in after the fight against him, it was surprisingly fun actually, the sadistic kind of fun. The enjoyment to see other beings bleed and absorb their lifespan is a joy that is hard to describe. It's been a pleasure doing that with him once. It was so beautiful, the burning energy inside his soul for an immortal life, just like me. Most universes and travels are quite entertaining, almost nice and interesting. I began to see beings with a consciousness such as myself in two categories to stop sugarcoating things: either they are nice or toxic. Sometimes, their properties switch, yet their soul always shows the true color of a person. And when people die, their soul turns into a piece of the nothingness. Every time~ There is no escape from me~
I stretch and float around myself, navigating where up is and where down would be. A motion without end, as there is no gravity here. The right way up could be everything.
I conclude that I've wasted enough of my endless time and should get back to 'work'. I still need to find him if- even though it was quite disappointing that he had to leave mid fight, yet I wish not him to have died just yet. I need him. He is such entertainment, so influential. Sadly, I have no idea where he could ever be, as was quite busy at the time to check where'd he end up. My mistake, but it makes everything so much more interesting~

It's quite interesting that from one point in space, every world and timeline is assigned a code, it's called Uni-Code. And they are people managing the place. Sure, I could blindly scop around different, alternative worlds myself and it'd be fun messing with the current story there a little too much, on accident of course~, but there is time for that later, I ought to find him first. Top priority. Someone, whose name is too unimportant to remember once traded his life for an inter-universal-map, an IUM, showing the brief sectors different universes are separated in. Smaller worlds and timelines branch out from the original universes or ideas they are based on, the map looks like a vast system of tree roots, yet it's clearly not precise enough to pin point a person. But in the middle of those networks is the place with the managing people I mentioned before. Yet, even if I simply burst in, without some prior thought I won't get any of the result I desire, even with violence~

I start thinking, floating in a circle just because I want to. My answer has to involve a random generated Uni-Code, he could be anywhere, except the Void. The Uni-Code randomizer is clinging and forming on the original origin of the person using it. 98% of all life in the universes is born into a distinguished timeline within an AU, such as him. That is the leading point I am willing to go off.

"Let's see", I mumble to myself as I take out the IUM from my inner storage within the form I call body. I quickly check if everything is still intact and readable. Of course, it is. Everything inside the Void is perfectly sealed and stored~ Thinking about my one, current main objective of finding him, I look at the codes and which kind of universes they're connected with, my eyes strolling over many different kinds, trying to find the specific direction needed to pin point an area, and much energy would be needed to get there as fast as possible. Really, I can't let him waiting, the destruction will be so much fun~
Surprisingly, I take quite a while and come across some really weird stuff:
"Nothing- not the right kinds- this is an original universe- again, nothing- those are tentical monster-" ...DEAR DEPTHS OF NOTHINGNESS WHAT KIND OF SHIT IS THIS- WHO IN THE IN TNE RIGHT MIND CREATED THIS?!
I get a little flustered at my outburst, even though literally no one could have seen me losing my composure. I clear my throat to a non-existent audience and tell myself to shut up. I continue gazing over the map in complete horror... fucking Christ, why are some things even existing, they are almost worse than me, morally of course. I am and remain undefeated. I swear those are the next things I'm coming for, with no mercy. They'll be wiped out for good. They should be glad I have other plans.

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