4| Overbearing

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Indonesia's POV

Before reaching the guy, I decide to walk around the house a bit longer. Our house isn't that big, but it isn't small either. Perfectly sized for us three- I mean me, Malay and Phil. I go grab a pen, some papers and then quietly stand with some them in the door frame to just, observe him. The others him bandaged already, but his clothing is in need of being washed. Badly... The strange, yet mysterious person looks carefully around the room and pulling the blanket Poland had given them closer, warping it around them, seemingly liking it? I mean, that's not bad- right? Seeing that nothing will change, I walk over with loud steps to alert him. After mustering up some courage I sit down beside him. I don't know but... this feels exciting. He doesn't feel dangerous at all! Still, I wonder how he feels, and how strong the pain is. I watch as he stares at the empty, white papers in my hands, seemingly interested. Malay draws sometimes when he isn't streaming, which is why we have so much paper. Hesitantly, I hand him one. Shortly afterwards, he takes one of the pencils lying next to the papers and writes something. I specifically brought a pen, but sure. Why not? What is he writing? Has he even enough strength to do so?! I mean... the wound! I haven't seen it, but the poncho is deep red!! As I silently panic, he hands me the paper.
'It looks bad for him. He'll die.'
"Don't say that!" I bite my tongue in retaliation and look at it, recognizing instantly the letters he wrote.

-Thanks for letting me stay - it reads. I automatically smile. How polite! I look up in his in shadows covered face. I've never seen something like this before!
"So... uh, you're mute, right?" I carefully make sure, and get nodding as an answer. Huh... oh well!
"Ah, alright. What's your name?" After my question, he scribbles on the paper once again.
-I don't remember having one, I'm fine with anything that sounds rather okay to be called, it really depends on what you want to call me. - Huh?? Not only mute, but also amnesia?! This poor man! Has to go through everything at once!
"I see, uhm. I'll think of something, okay? Nice to meet you."

He smiles at me, then putting the paper and pencil back on the table next to the couch. Seeing him smile, nerves in my brain active. Woah, what a genuine smile! I feel my cheeks warming up. Being only able to sense emotions from his body language and mouth increases the meaning of every move, and that was a really, REALLY beautiful, I MEAN KIND, smile. Jeez, how cringe, I just met him.
'And now you're turning into a Simp.'
"No I'm not!"
'You're such a little kid!'
"I am VERY old!"
his smile makes my stomach feel warm and comfortable. I continue to look at the man in awe. Surely, he is a very nice and kind person! He really seems like one. I wonder why they're hiding their face? I can't be that bad! As I realize me being overly curious to someone's privacy again, I feel myself blushing a bit harder, out of embarrassment. I groaned, calming down a bit with deep breaths and stand up again.
"Do you want something to drink? You must have lost quite some... blood." I ask politely. The man looks down his chest before nodding. I strictly walk out the room and get a water bottle, walking back to the living room afterwards. Our guest is still on the couch. I shouldn't do that, yet, I have the urge to prank him, like I prank many of my friends. I really shouldn't do that- but I always make bad life choices, this shouldn't be worse. With the conclusion I decided to sneak up on him.
'Not another prank!'
"It's not hurting anyone."
'You are SO immature'

"What cha doing 'Mate'?" I ask, loud and suddenly. The person I tried to scare flinches violently and turns his head in surprise around to me. Like before, I can't really see his eyes or anything of his face above his mouth, but yeah, it's easy to tell that he is in shock. That makes me giggle, yet I sort of already regret my actions. Poor man, I should apologize. I inhale and look at him. He turns his head away, probably embarrassed. Yet, there is something radiating around the room. No wait- that's not what embarrassment from the others feel like. Did I... do something wrong? Instant of reaching my goal with a simple joke he actually seems scared, nervous, even shaking a little. OH- does he has PTSD or anything?! Shit, I didn't want that- Phil is going to kill me if he doesn't calm down!!
'I told you!'
"You're not helping!"

Oh god, this is so awkward, why in the world did I think I'd be a good idea to play a prank on a stranger?! A STRANGER! Not knowing what to do next, I decide to slowly sit beside him. He had his hand placed next to him for supporting his sitting position. My brain basically smokes from the sudden overworking through information. What does me calm down? What would calm me down that could calm HIM down in a situation like that?! My eyes keep darting at the hand, my not being able to look him in the face out of embarrassment and also shame. Malay always pats my hand to calm me down, and Phil hugs me.
Well, I cannot hug a stranger obliviously, yet the hand-thing would also be weird. But doing nothing won't help either!!
Why is this situation so stupid?!
'Because you made it stupid!'
"That was a rhetorical question!"

With lighting speed I wage my options and then out of reflex I laying my hand his- turning my head as far away as possible. I am just making things worse, aren't I? I'm usually pretty good at that. As I await any type of reaction, I silently pray not to make things even worse, accidentally squeezing it. His hand is warm- like- really warm- feels like a heater. There is just so much energy. Immediately, my shoulders relax with that warm hand of his- even though he is the one supposed to be calming down, not me. But it is nice, I cannot deny, and he doesn't really do anything against it... Oh god this is embarrassing, but also so nice! A welcoming, nice feeling appears inside me, making itself wide, making me smile. I closed my eyes, still having my head as far away as possible.

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