25| Mental South

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Indonesia's POV

I am in my room, bored, looking out the window because there is nothing else to do. I see thick smoke rising from a few streets away and I am curious, but too lazy to go out and find out. I wouldn't want to disturbs the fire fighters. Some Nordics do that voluntary. Guess I'll just wait until the news spread, and they will. I exhale with a soft sigh and look at the sky's colors turning into a greenish yellow, which and orange draws at the horizon above the sea. It's so peaceful. My eyes wandering from the sinking sun to the network of streets in front of me I notice her coming back, alone. Alone? Where is he? I better question her about it. I arrive downstairs and open the door. As soon as she sees me, she waves coldly, yet it feels usual. She does seem a little satisfied even, peaking my curiosity instantly. Though, before I am able to ask, she hushes me with a gesture of her hand, making a quick motion to pass by. I scoff internally, rolling my eyes at her too. What's wrong now? She definitely knows I am curious! Remembering the Koreans teachings, I swallow my annoyance and trying to be polite, I greet back by tilting my head. She rests her eyes on me for a moment before going up the stairs. Only as she is gone, I exhale and shake my head. Allah, I don't understand this woman. I look back to the still open front door. Empty. Where did she leave him, at the Dutch's house? I couldn't see another option. Well, guess I am going to wait then. I close the door and turn around, making my way into the living room. Phil and Malaysia are there, doing nothing really. I've noticed Phil being really close to Mal the past few days and Mal embracing the closeness, I feel a little left out to be honest. But I suppose I still got my 'Mate', I shouldn't judge them so harshly. I plop down onto the armchair.
"Hey Indo!" Malay smiles while Phil only hums, having his eyes closed, his head resting on Mal's shoulder. I lean back in the comfy chair, folding my hands.
"I haven't spoken to you two much today, how are you both doing?"
"Tired." Phil mumbles and yawn.
"Been alright, nothing great or bad happened." Malay hums. I nod.
"I've heard the door opening, have they returned?" Phil questions and my glare automatically wander to the way of the front door.
"No, no. Just her. I suppose he is still at the Dutch's house."
"Oh no..."
"Never mind -"
"I SAID never mind." the Filipino sighs, opening his eyes to give me a warning glare. Yet, my curiosity has peaked again. It seems that he hiding a secret, he does know something, and it isn't the first time I felt this way about it!

The silence following afterwards rings in my ears and I am unsure on how to proceed. Looking around, the empty thoughts in my head only get disrupted as there are steps in the hallway again. Curious, neither the front door opened nor the stairs creaked, who could it be? Her? Not even excusing myself I get up and out the living room, stopping in the door frame to discover none other than him. I pause, not understanding what happened up to this point, yet I shove the thoughts aside and smile at him. I want to get closer to him to pull him into a hug, I'm freshly in love and I missed him already, yet I stop as I notice how heavily he is breathing and how much he is shaking. There seem to be tiny white crystals on his cheeks as well. Did he... have a break down again?! Oh no! What happened?! I rush to him as he moves his hand to wipe his tears away and I softly take his hand, holding it firmly with both my own.
"Do you want to go upstairs?"
He nods. Whispering words of comfort, I lead him upstairs and into my room, locking the door behind us. We sit on the bed and I on his lap, just to hug him better, and he embraces the hug.
"I-Indo, do yo-you hate me?" he suddenly asks.
"What? No! Why would I hate you?"
"Y-you would ha-hate me if you k-k-kn-knew- " he gasps for air between words. I remain silent, pondering on what he means.
"They h-hate me too..."
"Who?" I only manage to whisper.
"My fa-family." he brings out and the tension in the room rises.

"Your... family? Are they here?" I question, clueless. A deeps and shaky sigh determines from the taller male.
"Indo I... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I- I just want to be normal!" he exclaims, louder than before and I stare at him with big eyes as he continues.
"I couldn't bare it, so I left. I-I hoped it could be better after all this time I-" he remains at a loss for words, confused. The man looks at him, breathing quickly, gathering himself. We keep glaring at each other until he deeply inhales.
"You have... no idea, have you?"
"I am not sure." I respond carefully and silence befalls the room. My 'Mate' bites his lips nervously, and perhaps a little annoyed at my obliviousness.
"Have you seen the smoke outside?"
"Yes, a house is burning, I hope everyone is okay over there."
"No one is."
"I said no one is!" he gets louder again, sounding angry now. I feel myself in a state of shock, never have I seen him like that! Unable to do anything, he gently puts me on the side of the bed before standing up and walking to the window. I watch him open the curtains and then it, letting the orange light flooding the mildly dark room.
"Indonesia I... I want you to just forgive me, you'll learn soon enough about me, I suppose." he hums and al Allah he jumps out the window.
"HE!" I yell and get up, running to the open window, looking down, yet I find no one. I hastily look around the neighborhood, but nothing. Eventually my eyes rest on the smoke again. Blue light halls dimly from the area and I suppose that the Nordics must have arrived on the scene. I exhale deeply, feeling lost. What did he mean? It must be so oblivious, yet I am just stupid! I curse over myself for not knowing simple things and plop on my bed, sorrow over coming me.
What am I supposed to do now? Where did he go?
Numbed, I remain in bed, depressing thoughts and questions without answers spinning on repeat in my head, I don't even recognize how much time goes by before there is defined knowing on the door.

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