Extra Chapter

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The warming air of spring gently strokes through my hair as I walk down the street, going on a walk. It's been a while since I left the house, yet I just couldn't stand the atmosphere. Father said I've been acting more arrogant lately, but Lux says it's just my self-worth reappearing. He is so kind to me. Though I don't know how much of my old self I'd like to reappear. I feel so torn, like there is another person in my brain. I sigh, determined to enjoy the walk as much as I can and not take anyone's bullshit for granted. That isn't what I want. I just want to fit in and have some friends. Before I know it, my feet drag me to the German house hold. I feel anxious standing there, yet I proceed to ring the bell anyways. Oh God, what am I doing?! My flight response kicks in, yet the Weimar opens the door already.
"Netherlands? Good to see you. Been a while." he greets me with warm eyes and rather curious, and I remain almost shocked at his response, silent. Weimar tilts his head, waiting patiently. I gather myself to remain calm, and not cry. Finally, someone with kindness! At least right now.
"H-Hey Weimar." I stutter. The Germans glare softens.
"Germany is out right now, if you're wondering."
"I... I am not here for him."
"... We aren't friends anymore."
"Really? When did that happen?"
"A few months ago..."
"Oh my, uhm, come inside! I can't let you wander around like a headless chicken." Weimar offers very kindly and I accept before thinking. The German man leads me inside and I put my boots and coat away, entering the living room. The German Empire enjoys some coffee and Third Reich reads the news, old fashioned as I remember him to be. Since I remain there as silent as a mouse no one notices and Weimar speaks up.
"We have a guest!~" he hums and I gain the attention of the other males. Third Reich nods and the Empire smiles.
"Neth! I haven't seen you in forever! A coffee?"
"Would be kind of you." I mumble, carefully allowing myself to sit down on the couch. I feel nervous having the old foe of a third German Reich next to me, yet I swallow it and try to relax.
"What brings you here?" said Reich hums, eyes on the papers.
"I don't know... you all are the only nice people there are." I admit, sighing heavily.
"Me? Nice? God, the rest must be terrible." Reich chuckles drily, finally looking over to me. I glare back, motionless. Seeing my tired face, he turns more serious as well.
"You weren't joking."
"I was not."

"Here is your coffee, Neth." GE hands me a cup and I thank him before taking it. The atmosphere is a little awkward at the beginning between us, but soon Weimar, and even East joined. Well, he got back from the outside.
"Welcome back, East." Weimar hums as the GDR hangs his coat up.
"Moin Dad, oh- Neth?"
"What are you doing here? I thought West and you-"
"Yes, yes, I know."
"Oh... well... I'm sorry. I have never expected him to desert you like that."
"He did what?" the empire raises his eyebrow and I cannot help but wonder, have East and West never talked to the elder ones what has been going on? I could certainly see the possibility of that. I exhale internally, glaring down into the black bean soup, which is steaming right back at me. I hear steps and see from the corner of my eyes how the boy sits down next to me. The couch is pretty full now, but I refuse to get closer to that ex-Nazi. For reasons, the anticipation in the room rises as the other Germans are now curious on what crimes the FRG had committed against his former best friends. We two were inseparable back then. Me and East look at each other and he feels to me more like a friend than ever before, yet I hesitate to spill the beans.
"I'm not sure if it is a good idea."
"Me neither."
"Now, you have to tell us, we are all curious." Weimar leans back in the arm chair. I bite my tongue and after swallowing heavily give East the go to give them a quick summary. The other adults listen carefully and I scan over their expressions with a decent amount of concentration. The German Empire has a poker face, he is calm and attentive. I am always in awe when talking to him, he is a gentle and wise man. I wish he was my Father instant of Dutch. Weimar has a similar expression, yet he seems a little more bothered by his son's story, playing with his fingers while listening as East sort of dramatizes the events a little, making me slightly uncomfortable, though I admit Germs brother is an amazing story teller. Third Reich is very different from his relatives, his emotions plastered on his face, swinging rapidly around. As East ends a silence befalls the room. One where everyone is digesting. I watch the Empire fold his hands and straighten up from his position, putting his now empty cup down. I didn't even see when he drank all of it. We look at each other and his expression is soft.
"So, you are being isolated by everyone else because of the actions in the past?"
"Y-Yes, that is what has been going on. I believe Germany tagged along due to peer pressure."
"I see."
"I understood why he did it, it hurts none the less."
"That is bullshit. West is a tag-along, yes, but now even standing up for his own best friend-" East is getting furious again, but I stop him.
"Relax, it is no use."

"And Indonesia is the catalyst in this?" the Empire continuously hums. I nod, feeling the urge to defend myself. It's making me anxious being judged by them too.
"I-I did apologize so many times and back then I took measures to help him. He doesn't need to like me or anything, but- " I speak very, very fast and get out of breath before ending the sentence. Ashamed, I stare to the ground. The pressing silence doesn't make it any better for me either.
"I have been fighting with myself too, it is like there are two different people in me." I bring out before sighing, starting to feel dizzy.

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