10| A threat

119 8 3

Philippines's POV

As soon as Malay had left, I get up, feeling the weight of the situation in my stomach, like a boulder. I make my way up the stairs to the guest room. They are in there. I stand frozen in front of the door, hesitant to make a move, my heart pounding in my chest. I take a deep breath... and knock. Soon after, the door opens, and the woman stands there.
"What?" she says, kind of unfriendly. She musters me with a rather confused look, surely it is my face.
"You look like you've seen a ghost, man." she scoffs and I finally snap out of the trance.
"Is you friend here?"
"Where else should he be?"
"Relax. Uhm, may I come inside?"
"No." she slams the door in my face, leaving me stunned for a moment. Excuse you?! This is MY house, not yours. As I was about to knock again, shuffling inside the room was heard, and none other than who I believe to be Netherlands himself. Now that I know this, the former 'gentle giant' is suddenly much more threatening than before. I feel so small next to him. The hidden Country tilts his head in question at me and I muster up the courage to speak.
"Can I... talk with you inside the room? It is important. Very important." I speak slowly and quietly, and his expressions falls, nodding. Going inside the guest room, an annoyed woman stares at me as she sits on the bed. Netherlands sits next to her and I close the door.
"So? What is it?" she asks and I gulp heavily.

"I have discovered that you two have lied in a very big way."
"So what?"
"I know who our cloaked-up friend is. It's you, Netherlands, isn't it?" I break the ice.
"What kind of accusation is that? We've seen him die."
"It's the only way his motives make sense." I eye the man. His friend scoffs in a big manner.
"You sound crazy, you know that, right?" she even points her finger at me and I do crumble under the pressure a little. Right, these could be bad accusations.
"Besides, why the hell WOULD Neth ever want to come back here? In case he was alive?"
"Perhaps he'd want to take vengeance." I think loudly. The woman's lip curl, as if she tries to suppress a grin.
"Vengeance, eh?"
"Don't laugh at me!"
"I'm not."
"Hmpf." I scoff back, crossing my arms on my chest as I eye both of them carefully.

"Then it shouldn't be a problem for him to take his hood of to prove he isn't Netherlands, right?"
"Are you fucking serious?"
"Yes, I've lived long enough with an unidentified person. This is MY house, after all.
"Don't be so petty about something like this."
"I'm kicking you out if you keep insulting me."
"What are you, an idiot?!" I feel awkward and in danger with the woman's hateful aura around, but I follow through with my point.
"You two tried to cover it all up, but your stories gave the truth away. Now take that hood of, Neth!" I demand, pointing my finger at him. His friend seems angry and is about to say something, but Nether stops her.

"... Let it go." he sighs and pulls the hood off. My heart beat stopped for a moment and I feel all kinds of different emotions. It's him... really him. He's avoiding eye contact, and God, his face is ugly. No offense, but how did that happen?! Now my jaw dropped. I had the realization before, but now he is real and right in front of me.
"Netherlands..." I manage to whisper.
"I already wondered when someone would find out. I figured you are the most attentive in this house." he exhales and I stumble over my words.
"S-So it really is you!" I stutter, my throat closing.
"W-What happened to you?!"
"You wouldn't be interested. Bet it was better without me..." he mumbles and I don't answer immediately.
"I'm... sorry, I am just shocked." I awkwardly chuckle as his friend gives me death glares. She then speaks up. Oh god, an intimidating aura is radiating from her. Quite scary.
"Alright, fine. You got us. So now you know. What will you do now?!"
"I- " before I'm able to say anything, she suddenly steps close, grabbing me by my collar. She shoves me into the wall without any sort of difficulty. I gas in surprise, not having expected a small woman like her to be this strong. She even lifts me above ground with one arm. In a fit of panic, I kick with my feet and put my hand on her hand around my neck, gasping for air. In my terrified state I stare with widen eyes at her façade. Her red eyes burn brightly into my soul. And the one with the scar too, yet the eye white is black. T-That isn't human?! What- What is this person?! This thing?!
"Because if you do or try anything stupid, I will cut your throat open!" she slowly hisses, tightening the grab around my neck, giving me barely room to breathe. I whimper a bit, utterly terrified. So, I HAVE two serial killers in my home! What were the odds?!
Suddenly, Netherlands intervenes and tears the woman away from me, even catching me on my way falling to the ground.
"Phil, are you okay?!" he sounds frantic, and I take deep breaths. He... helped me?! Really? I cough a little.
"I'm o-okay, thanks." I cannot believe I just thanked him. Nether turns to his friend with a mean glare.
"You could have NOT done that!"
"Are you kidding me?! I'm trying to safe your ass! If he tells anyone we're done fore and have to leave! I thought you didn't want that!" she argues and Neth remains silent. I remain quiet too, still in Neth's safety. Heh, that is so weird to think. As both argue I look up to his now free face. His features are soft and show none of the permanent aggression from before, even though parts of his skin are permanently burned off. This man... got a lot of wounds connected to fire. Even now, he speaks with a calm yet determined voice instant of strict and straight yelling. He really has changed. A lot.

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