13| Aquaintance

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Netherlands's POV

It has been a week since Indonesia and my friend shouted at each other. It's unpleasant when they fight... especially when I'm the topic. A whole 7 days passed already? It really doesn't feel that long. I've spent all my time either in this house, the small garden or outside the village, far away from any other country. While keeps being grumpy, Malay and is pretty nice and Phil is trying to get my fear under control, giving me breathing exercises etc. Indonesia on the other hand pretty much avoided me and to be honest I feel sad about it. I should be relieved, but I cannot lie that I enjoyed the attention a little bit. A tiny bit. My mental health got better though, at least I'm kind of stable. But why? I don't understand why it is bothering me so much, last time I was here my country was doing things to strengthen the bond between Indonesia and my them. After I told her about everything as well-, I keep wondering. Why is Indo able to break my mental health like that? It's been ages, and I was always rather well at controlling myself. I keep philosophizing over it. Could there be more than just that? I mean what he says doesn't change a fact, yet hearing it from his mouth, with that anger... it's just... different somehow.
Urgh, it's happening all over again. My emotions keep being all over the place. How sad. Phil said, or more like 'suggested' the fact that Indo likes me and since I enjoy the attention... do I like him? Well, I would like to get along, yes, but everything else that is implying all of this is bullshit- right?
I'm not too sure. It is complicated. I mean- I still feel bad every time he walks past me like I don't exist... but he looks sad to. Does he regret? Does he feel guilty? I should be feeling that, not him! Or is it something else? Feelings are stupid.
But who am I kidding? Why am I thinking about that so much? Even if, he hates me. The real me. Netherlands. He's glad I'm 'dead'. I feel myself growing frustrated with my pathetic self again, but I shake it off by exhaling. Phil said it's no good overthinking everything, I'll try to follow this lead.

My friend keeps trying to get me to leave them behind and burn this town to the ground. I usually shake it off, but lately the thought has been in my mind more often. Like an intruding thought. I would never have to deal with such people anymore and I'd have no worries of ever coming back to such a terrible place.
That sounds... nice.
That's the plan, now.

Anyways. I leave the guest room and walk downstairs, my mind staying empty for the meantime. As I was about to run around the corner I spotted- more like heard Indonesia and she talking. I quickly quit moving, staying perfectly still behind the corner, eavesdropping on their conversation.

"- so- I wanted to apologize for over-reacting a week ago. I realized it was disrespectful and I should have controlled myself better since a long time ago." I listen as Indo apologizes to her. I feel my hand balling into a fist, just to release them. He is... sorry? What?
"Finally." she only scoffs, seemingly not happy at his attempt for apologizing.
"You really should have, and as you rightfully said, 'a long time ago'. My man here is really sentimental with yelling and stuff like that and we both know how you feel about him." she 100% agrees with Indo while making him the bad guy, but to my frustration she started referring to me. I should tell her to stop using me as an excuse for basically everything. This entire commercial last week has been her fault too. Am I becoming a scape goat? A person everyone can blame their mistakes on? Again?
"Right. Sorry" Indo dares saying.
"Mhm. Past 'n stuff." she sighs and rubs the back of her neck, then she starts to chuckle slightly, seeming feeling amused- catching both me and Indo off guard. What is so funny now?
"Seems like the both of us snap easily when we talk about the Netherlands and what he was like, so in the end we DO have something in common, very sadly." she adds. Indo just looked awkwardly to the side- seeming to not wanting to have anything in common with her. Oh, I can definitely see them being arch-enemies.
"Not that I want to have anything in common with an idiot with you." she says in typical fashion and facepalms.
"But is it true what you said? Long before Phil came in?"
"About what?"
"Well- the things you yelled at me."
"Did it sound like I'm lying?"
"I don't know. I met you a week ago." Indo looks at her again. The woman laughs drying, and I fear her getting aggressive again.
"Fair I suppose," her expression turns annoyed and threatening within a second.
"But seriously, never pull Bullshit like that again, understand?" she says, sounding exactly as her expression... and almost like the time she was threatening to kill Philippines. I already tense my muscles in case she'll do anything. I feel Indo being uncomfortable and he just nod, trying to play it off.
"Alright, alright. I get it. I'm sorry. No need to get devilish again. Allah." he says with a voice crack at the end. The female sighs, walking past him- only to stop right beside him, staring intensely. On that, Indo straightened up, sweating.
"You should talk with your 'Interest' again." she hisses, sounding way to inhuman for the current situation.
"H-Huh? - " Indo sounds surprised, even threatened.
"You have been avoiding him for the past week, it really upsets him." she explains really oblivious to Indo.
"And if you make him sad again... ohohohoho." She laughs, ominously. My heart sinks and I'm both worried and also a bit sour at her telling him this. I am cringing. A lot.
Why in the world, no, the entire multiverse is she telling him this!
That is so embarrassing!
Very embarrassing...

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