Extra Chapter

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"Come on, Neth!"
"I don't want to."
"Please! You need to go outside!" Belgium makes puppy eyes and I sigh annoyed, turning my head away.
"You know I don't like being around others..."
"Let him be, Belgium, you know why." my brother Luxembourg suddenly stands in the door frame, coming to my aid.
"Aw man!"
"You can go with the others, we aren't stopping you." I mumble. My sister turns, not satisfied.
"You're pale! You need some sun!"
"Belgium!" Lux hisses, shutting her. Immediately afterwards, his gaze turns soft, and he takes off his glasses for a moment. He does it when he tries to be serious.
"I'll take him somewhere without people."
"I... okay. That's fine." she seems a little sad and I almost feel bad. Belgie just wants the best for me, yet sometimes she struggles to understand the impact her actions have. It's the bullying that caused me to lock myself inside, after all. Luxembourg puts his glasses on again.

"You go, we go and we'll meet this evening." the county states and Belgium nods. She then, suddenly hugs me.
"Sorry Neth! I'll have fun for you too." she says in the loveliest voice ever and I smile a bit, caressing through her hair:
"Thank, Belgie." I mumble. She then lets me go, grabs her bag and runs to the front door, looking
back, waving at me and my brother.
"Bye!!" she laughs and runs out the door. I sigh. She's such a sweet girl, I'm glad the others like her. Me and Lux stand in my door a little longer in silence.
"We should go too."
"Do we... have to?"
"But- "
"Come on Neth, Belgium is right."

Around half an hour later, me and Luxembourg walk along the beach. Waves wash over my feet with cool water, the sky in all sorts of oranges. Seagulls scream in the distance. I breath deep, inhaling the fresh air. This is... rather calming, indeed. While taking steps on the wet sand I look out the ocean. Somewhere... is my land out there. Somewhere. I exhale and look up ahead. In the distance towers the fence. It's large, grey and very protected. Drones swarm around the fence. We shouldn't go further near it, just in case. So, I stop walking. Lux stops as well. Looking at him, he seems relieved.
"It is good to be here, right?"
"Yeah... I love the sea."
"I know."
"Perhaps I should be grateful that you dragged me out here."
"Pff, always."

We find a nice spot to settle down eventually, away from the other countries. I lay down a towel on the white, fine sand and sit on it, not intending to go swimming. I almost drowned once, and the experience has me scared. I know how to swim, but still.
"Aren't you coming inside?"
"Ne. Have fun, I'll watch."
"Okay then."
"Don't swim too far off."
"Roger that." my brother laughs and makes his way into the water. I sigh softly. Perhaps this really was a good idea. I soon lay on my back and close my eyes, enjoying the remaining warmth of the sun. I'm not sure how much time I've had in peace until voices started showing up again.
...Others, oh no. Glaring to the side, I witness the USA, Laos, Australia and... Indonesia approaching. I feel my stomach turning. What do they want? Why are they here now? I turn my glare back to the sea, where Luxembourg is swimming, trying to ignore the problem. It's just like the ostrich effect. I bite my tongue as they've shuffled close enough to confront me.

"Well, well, well. Look, who it is." America speaks out, rather mockingly. In a bad way, though. My insides cringe up more and I simply exhale.
"Hello? I'm talking to you, dipshit!"
"Leave me alone, Ame."
"Come on now, don't you want to have some fun with us?" Laos asks, sounding soft. Now, that is unusual, does he mean it? I carefully turn my head to the side to look at them, just to be greeted with a kick of sand to the face. The sand straight up goes into my eyes and I close them, trying to wipe the mini stones out immediately. I knew it. And I was foolish enough to have hope-
"What's wrong, Neth? Can't deal with a little beach?" Australia, who is responsible for the sand in my eyes laughs dirtily, leaving me with a groan.
"Stop it." I sigh, almost pleading. I just wanted a quiet evening, but now I'm being bullied again.
"But you didn't stop either, eh? Serves you right."
"Stop blaming me..."
"But it's fun seeing YOU suffer for once." Indonesia cackles, throwing more sand at me. I decide to not invest energy in fighting back, it's not like I have it anyways. It'd only fuel the fire even more anyways, so it's better to do nothing. I suppose my lack of reaction makes them more annoyed though.
"God, you are so lifeless. Like a doll!" America scoffs and it hits very hard in my soul, as it is sort of the truth. I've been a doll for the main part of my life, doing everything my father told me to while not regarding mine or the feelings and consequences for others...
"Now that is pathetic."
"Quite depressing."

They keep on raddling me down over various things. Soon though, very soon, my brother steps out the water. He has a distressed look on his face, clearly, he's bothered too that those four are here. And then he steps in, forcing the others onto a little bit of more distance.
"What the hell are you doing?!"
"Oh, nothing, really!"
"I can see that! Leave him alone!"
"Oh come on, Lux, it's fun! Wouldn't you like to join too?" America baits Lux in with a cheerful smile, but my brother's expression stays cold.
"You disgust me, all four of you. That you keep Netherlands from what he's done."
"But he- "
"YOU were partly cause for the Vietnam- and Korea war, remember?" he growls, pointing fingers. Ame swallows and Australia gasps quietly.
"And what about the civil wars? And the nuclear bomb testing?"
"Lux- "
"I am not saying we shouldn't ignore what happened to all of us, I just think you act VERY unfair towards my brother!" Luxembourg ends and I look at him in awe. He did really just defend me, in front of four other people. He... really is the best brother I've ever had and could have asked for.
"That's bullshit!" Indo reintroduces himself in the conversation.
"You're just trying to re-advert everyone's eyes from the true problem!" Laos adds.

Suddenly, Australia and America gang up on the way smaller person that is Luxembourg, as the Asian countries stand back, fueling the fire. My insides clench. I glare at the situation. They'll hurt him... and I'm the reason. What?! No! That isn't fair!
In an instinct I get up and separate my brother from the bullies. Everyone seems surprised, Lux relieved. Ame, Aussie and I glare at each other, yet Aussie already takes a step back, seemingly loosing confidence. After all, I am this 'terrible', I guess he is intimidated. The American though stands strongly in front of me. Ame is always making himself seem strong and great as a person, but in reality, he is quite average. I'm average too, yet I have the advantage of being almost 2 meters tall, which gives me the upper hand. Ame scoffs.
"Oh? Now you're acting all tough or what?" I narrow my eyes at him.
"I can tolerate what you all do to me, but it stops there. If you touch any of my siblings in context of
me, perhaps I'll become my old self again." I say quietly, and luckily my bluff works. I really don't want to return to my emotionally cold and angry past self, but I am drawing the line at my siblings.
"Do you understand?"

Ame nods. I glare over the others. They nod too, except Indo. He glares at me with a look full of hatred, also slightly intimidated, yet he remains silent. I glare back with pained eyes. Everyone is just so... childish.
Without another word the four leave again and I breath.

"Thankyou so much, Neth. I thought I was done for it." Lux relaxes too, needing tosit down for a moment.
"No, no. Thank you for standing up to them. You... didn't have to."
"What do you mean I didn't have to?! Of course, I had to! I care about youvery much!" he pouts and I widen my eyes. He looks at them and rolls hisown.
"Me and Belgie do it all the time! We are a little most outcast than theothers, but it's shiet what sort of crap they talk about you! They aren't anybetter!" he rants, obliviously frustrated. The last sentence takes my mindback to none other than Germany for a second. If caring much about someonemeans defending them, then is Germany... I shake my head, as suddenly a new worryfills me with anxiety. I shoot up, spin around and take fast breaths.
"What's wrong?!"
"They're going back to the others! What if they let their frustration out onher!"
"Huh? You think they'd do that?!" Lux asked, surprised and even a littleshocked. I pause in my hot headedness for a moment.
"I... can imagine that. And if it is just to spite me... I did just threaten them."
"I'm... not sure."
"I know you are paranoid. I'll call her, okay?"
"Please do."

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