Extra Chapter

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I feel a tight hug from behind, definitely from someone smaller than me. Taking a look in the mirror confirm my suspicions. Germany. I value my options in this situation, and decide to let him stand his ground. I sigh softly and carefully turn around, closing the door and locking it before taking a look at the small German in front of me. Well, 'small' is an overstatement, the guy is around 1,80m, but I am still taller. He looks at me with a pained expression and wide eyes, and I am not sure what made him react like this. Maybe his family? Or is it his own feelings after all? Guess I will find out soon. I stroke his black hair and he sighs, wiping upcoming tears away. I feel bad for him, it's not like I've valued him in the past, yet the betrayal makes me more careful this time around. I carefully take off his glasses, putting them on the shelf above the sink, seating him and me down on the corner of the bath tub. I can see that Germany is holding his absolute best to hold himself together.
"I-I'm sorry. I-I knew it was wrong." he brings out, having difficulties. Though his motions tell me that he'll most likely continue, so I stay quiet, watching his every move in the mirror to determine how sincere he actually is. Germs breathes in heavily.
"I was so stupid, letting Polen convince me of things like this. I... I actually have broken up with him."
"You WHAT?!" I almost shout, composing myself quickly. I never thought he'd go that far. Germany looks at me.
"There is nothing I can do to show that I am aware of making a grave mistake, you'll never see me as a loyal friend again. Or a friend, even. That was the least I could do." he speaks shakingly and I remain silent once more. Germany makes a rotation motion with his hand as if trying to keep himself going.
"They... they gossiped a lot about you and always wanted me to talk about you, I didn't say much, especially about your home life, it all just felt so wrong. I'm so sorry." he continues, looking me straight in the eyes, they show grief and hurt, yet shining in truthful sincerely. His words are hurting me too. A part of me is describing him as a helpless idiot who cannot decide what side he is one, yet I also feel happy that in the end, he has chosen me. I fold my arms open and pull him into a hug, which he returns.

"I won't ask you to be friends right now, I want to earn that title again." the German hums softly after a little and I smile at the fact he is so careful with my feelings. He did learn. I exhale, near the tears as well. Looking back at him again, I cannot help but smile.
"I missed you too, Germs."
I whisper and the other male smiles in return.
"I accept you as my friend again." I say and see his eyes light up in delight. After drying our tears and laughing together, still a little awkward but much more comfortable already we step out the bathroom, almost stumbling over East Germany. He seems confused.
"What were the both of you in there?"
"I admitted my mistake." Germany says, his voice filled with shame.
"And I accepted the apology." I hum, laying an arm around my friend. East narrows his eyes before seeming relieved.
"Oh, good. I suppose we should go to bed."
"Can I join you?"
"Uh, Sure!"

Not long after, me and the German brothers are all in East's room talking while sitting in bed. The atmosphere is good, and Germs shares with us what happen during his period of 'being an asshole'. He talks about the other countries and what has been going on, how Poland 'seduced' him, making East laugh out loud at the fact that his brother is indeed gay, making the other furious. I laugh along and spend a good evening together. Why can it not always be like that? So peaceful, everyone respecting each other.

During the night, I find myself unable to sleep. It doesn't help that the moon decides to shine directly into my face either. I exhale softly, trying to fall asleep to the regular breathing the others are doing. We three are sleeping in the same room right now, mind you. I sit up on my mattress, looking out the window. An orange tinted, full moon shines down at me and I hum annoyed at it, blaming it for my sleepless night. The window had remained half open, East strongly believes into 'Lüften' or whatever. The night seems soft tonight, a calm breeze caressing the leaves outside, which are already changing its colors slowly. It is September, after all. I get the sudden urge to go outside, just to admire the beauty of the night, and then decide to do so. I ain't going anywhere tomorrow, so sleeping into the day wouldn't hurt, right? I carefully get up and get dressed as quietly between the other two as I can before leaving the room. I smile at them one last time before sneaking down the stairs, and getting outside. I know where their spare key is hidden, so no need to take one from the inside.

The night is warm, and I feel calm walking down the street. The only present light is the moon, as the lanterns are turned off already. I hum to myself, feeling like wanting to visit my favorite spot. It should be empty at this time of night, no? Leaving the town and walking up the enlightened pathway to the top of the hills, the wind picks up and it gets colder, I shiver a bit. The sudden coldness of nature causes me to drift back into a dark piece of my mind. I suddenly feel lonely and cold, it is as if the moon in putting my suffering into the spotlight and the feelings worsening. Half way I look down into the town, feeling very little appreciation for them.
No one would miss me if I would be gone, right?
Sure, they are the Germanies... but is it worth that?
I hate being treated like trash.
There are no signs of stopping and-

I rapidly shake my head and breathe in deeply, trying not to tear up. Stupid moon. Against the dull feeling in my stomach, I press on to the top of the hill. Yet... I find someone there already. Curious? The figure seems unknown to me. The moon light paints the person very well, and it doesn't take long to realize that it isn't a human... but something else. It notices me, particles emitting from its body, evaporating into the air.
"Who-" I call out, just to be met with a glare that sends shivers down my spine. I duck my head, afraid of their presence.
"U-Uh- sorry- I-" I stutter, stumbling backwards, attempting to leave. They seem to turn around, tilting their head.
"ien hecsmn? hens, asw nd det?"
"Eh? asw op??"
"..." I remain quiet, not understanding a single word they are using.
"Sorry, I don't u-understand." I call out.
"I only speak English and Dutch." I add, hopping that the duality of language will give me an advantage.
"hagh mamtdver. English? I do that. Not well, but speak I do." they answer in broken, but understandable English and I exhale a bit, curious, but also afraid to ask. Their eyes pierce me, giving me an uneven feeling.
"Who is you?"
"U-Uh- Netherlands. I am the Netherlands."
"You are Country? But Person?"
"I... Indeed, yes. It is called a Countryhuman."
"And there?" they motion to the tow below.
"... they are mean people."
"Mean person?"
"Many of them. They hate me."
"A lot has happened... they give me all the fault."
"Is true?"
"NO- I- I mean not all."
"Then why you here?"
"I can't leave, there is a wall preventing me."
"You want leave?"
"... well-"
"I help." the being grins sinister and they change their shape in the moonlight to resemble more of a human. They end up with a smaller shape, a green jacket, silky white skin with terrible scars, red eyes and brown hair. They grin and extent a hand.

"I change you. Good?"
"Change me? How?" I look at their extended hand, hesitant yet intrigued.
"Give Power. Learn Fight. Explore worlds." they hum in a more feminine voice and I am very tempted. Tempted to leave everything behind. The things I would do for a fresh start.
"What... What do you want in return?"
"You teach English me. Stay loyal."
"That is all?"

I don't see why I should choose to not go.
It'll be better for me I believe. The offer is so tempting. Or am I just selling my soul to the devil? Either way... this offer is just so good. I give in and hesitantly extant my hand to shake theirs... or hers
"Ah- uh- What is your name?"
"Name is Liana, Liana."
"Liana..." I murmur, taking her hand. Suddenly there is pain in my body and my legs give way, just before I pass out, I hear yelling in the distance. Someone yelling my name.

Everything goes black. A new life starts for me.
A good one, I hope.

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