Extra Chapter

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My back rams forcefully into the uneven bark of the tree. I feel the bark through my pullover, scratching against my bare skin. As if I don't have enough scars already, this might be the most pathetic ones. I groan at the pain as my head hits the bark too, rather strongly. That'll leave a headache for sure, if I'm not bleeding already. As my legs give way, I slide down the tree to the ground, out of options. There is laughter and suddenly an array of sand is shot from the ground up right at me, it hurts like hell. Like many, little, bullets. I shut my eyes instantly to avoid the possibility of getting stones within them. A fatal mistake. Next thing going on is a heavy impact on my chest, leaving me breathless and gasping, and the foe uses the opportunity to shove my head into the ground. Laugher is heard.
"You're so weak!"

Due to the pain and emotional belittling, tears well up in my eyes, and as I open them, I notice the group of people beating me up. Of course, Indonesia and his 'best friends'. They just had to surprise me while I was relaxing at my favorite spot, but now knowing that it isn't even safe here anymore is truly heart breaking. I cannot fight back even if I wanted to, it would prove their point. But... do I even want to be the nice guy anymore? No, I don't want trouble with anyone. In attempt to get back up and simply avoid the situation further, someone I had previously identified as Russia pulls my hair and head up right before slamming it into the ground again. The group keep laughing as Indonesia comes up to kick me in the face. Suddenly, everything feels rather blurry and my head spins, dinning from the impact. My nose feels runny, as if water would come out of it. Though it isn't water, but blood.
"Please... Stop." I mumble, yet my words are drowned by the commotion the other countries are making. The further beating and now, added loss of blood keep me light headed and I fade in and out of consciousness as I try gathering myself. How low have I sunken in life? Why did it get this far? And why is it only me? I'm not the worst.

Others deserve that too. I shouldn't be the only one being punished like this!
I feel anger rising in me, as if the old self that I have tried to get rid of since so many years is reappearing. The one that others call insane. But am I insane? Not more than the others, promptly. I have long fought the emotions and keeping them in control, but this state makes it hard for me to do so, especially in this weakened state. Thoughts about self-defense spin around my empty head, once in a long time, my hurt pride rising

"Stop..." I press out, unable to tolerate their treatment any longer. The cold December ground drains me faster than usual, making any action feel more urgent und more welcome than laying and accepting the fate. Maybe it is better if they fear me again, at least I'll be left alone then. Russia pulls my head up again before I can collect or position my thoughts to form an opinion.
"Just look at your weak ass, you crybaby."
"Crybaby! Crybaby!" it echoes through the ranks and I finally snap, throwing the built boundaries on not to be my past self away. A rather critical decision, that will change everything moving forward.
"STOP THAT!" I yell out and with a swift motion I grab and twist the Russians wrist. He gasps in pain and surprise, he finally lets go of me. I push him away and get up fast, yet carefully, almost loosing balance in the process. Though, I straighten up, ignoring the pain and my bleeding nose for the time being with the best of my abilities. The round has died down, and my angry glare hits Indonesia, Russia, America and Switzerland upfront. Switzerland is here too?! Frustration rises in me. I have trusted this man... and now he is using it against me. How could he?! I also notice Poland and Germany further behind. A heavy hit to see Germany here. And I considered him my best friend once. A traitor. I guess everyone in his family is and remains a traitor! They are all the same! The feeling of anger and betrayal clouds my mind and judgement and I loose control over myself.

"You filthy pieces of garbage! All of you! Treating me like the last rat in the sewers!" I shout short sentences, determined to now confront them, yet needing to take breaths in between after the kick into my ribcage.
"You treat me like I have purposefully eradicated all of humanity! WHY?!" I confront them, blood and tears streaming uncontrollably down my face as I am unable to keep any sort of composure. I just want it to stop desperately. I don't care anymore!
"You know why, Neth, for the millionth time." Indo hisses and I shut him with a rather aggressive hand motion.
"You're unreasonable! And childish! I am at fault for your daddy issues but you made everyone go to far! There is no way your God is appreciating you! Burn in hell!" I shoot back and I see eyes widening. It must have been decades since I acted this way.
"Shut your mouth, Netherlands! You're named that way for a reason!" America cuts in.
"Oh yeah?! Because I was ready to nuke the world over a personal issue?! Your father gave me that name because I made his life hell! But you are nothing in comparison to him! You are so much weaker as a person, he is disappointed in a son like you, no?"
"No he's- " Ame starts yet I don't even let him finish.
"Shut your unwanted mouth. Your family doesn't want you. You're their least favorite child anyways." I say through my teeth, rather cruelly. America stays absolutely silent, the color draining from his face. At least he is finally done for. Thoughts spin around my head as I keep out of reach from controlling myself, it is as if an external force took over. My eyes dart to the Russian, who has his usual unreadable expression on his face, yet I feel him being a little afraid. It practically radiates from him. He is next.
"And what the hell are you glaring at?!"
"You should move your sorry ass out the way! None of you have allowance to call me by the short forms of my name, but of course, you assholes cannot respect a single thing because 'oh, you all are so great.' Isn't that right, communist?! The one actively spying on people's privacy!" I point my finger at him, needing to breathe again. My head keeps spinning and the sound of the cold December wind is drowned by my own pulse, that it steadily ringing in my head.
"You have always disgusted me." I mumble loudly under my breath.

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