Bad Behavior✘

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Been A While Since I wrote a chapter for this book!


Laura's P.O.V.

I awoke in the same bedroom as last night. Immediately I felt sore all over my bottom area. I slowly raised out the waterbed and walked towards the door. My nose filled with the smell of pancakes and bacon.

I walked into the kitchen to see Drake cooking..

"You can cook?" I asked him while taking a seat slowly.

"Yes. But Good Morning to you, too." He said fixing a plate. He sat it down in front of me.

"Sorry, good morning." I said.

He sat across from me with his plate. Then he hopped up and grabbed to glass cups with orange juice.

"Thank you." I said after I silently prayed.

"No problem. Its all out of love." I kind of choked. Did he say love? Wow.

"Cool. What do you have planned for today?" I asked.

"Um, I was planning on taking you shopping to get your group started." He said.

"Seriously. I could so hug you right now. But I can't." I said.

"Why not? There's nothing like a morning hug." He flashed his smile. I think I almost melted into syrup.

"Well, I'm kind of sore right now." I said..

"Oh, I understand." He had an evil smirk on his face. He is such an inner freak.

I heard my phone ringing.

"Excuse me, please." I said.

I walked towards the room and answered. I realized it was almost ten.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Laura? This is Matthew. We have moved the movie day to today. So we start filming today. Can you be here by 12?" He asked.


"Okay. Thank you. Bye." He hung up.

"Who was that?" I jumped up and turned around.

"My movie producer. I have to start filming today. And you totally just startled me."

"Sorry." He started walking towards me. "You want a round two of last night before its time to go?" He asked. I just smiled and jumped on the water bed.

"Bring it on!" I said.


"Oh yes!!! please go deeper!!!! Oh my gosh! I'm about to come!!!!!" I screamed. He pulled out and put his head inside of me as I came. His tongue licked every piece of it up. Gosh it felt so good.

"What time is it?" I asked him. He looked at his watch.

"Damn, its 11:55." He said getting out the bed.

"We've been going for two hours straight? I need to take a wash up and hurry up. At least before I'm late." I ran to bathroom and gave myself a quick wash up.

I ran back out to see a dress on the bed. I quickly put it on with the shoes that were with it. He sure knows his fashion.

I ran outside to see him starting up a convertible. I hopped inside and he pulled out.


We pulled up the set and it was almost 12:30. Dang. He parked directly in front of Matthew.

"Ahh. I see you have finally made it." He said stopping and looking at me.

"Sorry I'm late. I had a long morning." I sort of smiled to myself.

"Well come on. You have to do make up, hair, and costume." I waved to Drake and followed Matthew. As I was walking to a trailer I saw Roc.

"Laura?" I heard him call my name.

I turned around and answered him.


"What are you doing here?" He ran towards me with a small smile on his face.

"I am going to be in the movie. Duh. I play Silesia."

"Say what? You're playing my girlfriend? "(Emphasis on GirlFriend)

"I guess so. But I got to go. See ya on set."

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