If Only You Knew

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I pulled up into Indoor Skydiving parking lot. Why ? Because they know its too early to go skating. Marissa should've known.

"Why are we here?" She asked.

"Because the skating ring isn't even open. Duh." I parked the car and got out. "I thought you'd at least be smart." I spat out while walking in.

"What if we don't want to do this?" Prince asked nervously.

"Is Prince being scared?" Prod said messing with him.

"Leave him alone!" I chipped in.

"Excuse me ma'am." She looked up.

"We would like to go indoor skydiving."

"Sure. Just walk right in. You will see a man and he will guide you from there." She seemed really nice. But you never know. Looks can be deceiving. We walked through two sets of doors and we were greeted by a short man. But muscular.

"Hi. Welcome to Jim's Indoor Skydiving. I need you all to put those suits on and come through this door here." He walked off.

"I call the purple one!" I yelled running towards it.

"Oh no you're not!" Ray got in front of me and grabbed it. I yanked his braid. "Ouch. That hurt!"

"Just like that kiss." I whispered and walked towards the blue one.

"So you want my color." I heard Roc come up behind me. While I was putting it on.

"No. Ray took the color I wanted." I said turning around.

"I didn't mean to offend you now." He got close to me. Okay, now this is uncomfortable. I looked him in his eyes. He leaned in. He must've thought he was about to kiss me? Oh no. No. No. No. I moved around him and he hit the back wall. So much for trying to kiss me. "Good luck, Roc."

I walk in and I hear a fan. A load fan. The thing I'm standing on feels like trampoline.

"Hey guys! Jump up and down!" I yelled over the noise.

"Don't!" I heard the man say. He told Marissa to come towards him and then she was in the air.

"Oh. My. Gosh! I'm flying!" She looked so happy.

"Girl please." Prod commented.

"Don't hate!" Ray added. Then Roc walked in. Marissa did a few flips, then Ray did it and chickened out. I went next.

"I'm a superstar! Woo-hoo!" I yelled as I did a back flip. I swear this is so cool. But I won't go actual skydiving. The man made me stop so Roc could go. Roc acted like he was a expert.

"You're not tight!" Prod yelled.

"Oh! I think I am." He said. This boy think he all that.

"Anyways! Let Prod go!" Marissa yelled. Okay. Marissa? Talking about prod? Well I guess he does have those girls talking 'bout.

"Girls talking bout. I got them girls talking bout." I busted out singing. Oh my gosh. Did I really just do that? I did? Wow. Everyone looked at me as if I had mutated.

-30 Minutes Later-

Roc P.O.V.

Gosh. She need to stop playing. She know she want this. But then again her boyfriend did break up with her. Yes. I hear people in my sleep. That's how I know Ray kissed her. I'll confront him later. But right now, I'm going to enjoy my ribs while I'm at Famous Daves.

"Say, who don't want their ribs?" I asked.

"Oh me." Marissa handed me her ribs. More for me.

"So. What do you all want to talk about?" Gosh Laura looked good eating. She wiped her mouth. But before I could answer, some fans came over.

"Hi! You're Mindless Behavior!" One girl said. Of course we are. "May we have your signature and take a picture?" She kept talking.

"Sure. Why not?" Ray said. We all got up and took pics and signed things. Our special lunch ruined. I felt as if I was on a date. If only she knew how I felt.


Going to leave it there. This chapter was so boring. It took me like three days to write it because it was boring.

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