♥A Mother's Hug ♥

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I did not know Ray Ray's name was Rayan Norewood. Lol. That's a cool name though.


Laura's P.O.V.

As I stood and looked into Zach's eyes I saw pain. Not pain from me, but from his past.

"Zach that was nothing. Please don't be mad at me. " I walked closer to him; he started walking towards the front door.

"Why shouldn't I? You were already kissing him upstairs." Those. Lines. Shocked. My ears.

Who could've told him this? When did he even find out?

I know who told him. I just wonder when did it happen.

"I'm sorry Zach." I whispered.

"Of course you are. No wonder you turn every dude down." He walked out the door. I heard a start of a car, then I heard the car backing out, then the car pulling off, and now nothing. Why am I so foolish? I didn't have to kiss Roc back. That only gave him confirmation. Geez. What am I going to tell my father and Marissa? That I gave confirmation to Roc Royal from Mindless Behavior to kiss me? Even though I was in a relationship with Zach? Love is hard with boys. Yet easy with family. That's probably why we have fam(ily).

I walked up the staircase and into my room locking the door. I can't even be happy at my own birthday party.



Conscience: He'll come crawling back sometime soon. Have fun for right now!

"I sure will. " I whispered to myself. As I stood I thought about how my dad would. Knowing that Zach isn't my boyfriend anymore; He isn't my boyfriend for real this time. My dad is probably going to tell me to move on. I heard footsteps and I froze with my hand on the knob. Could it be Zach? Maybe not. I opened the door to find no one else but....

You thought it was Roc didn't you? Nope. But if your second guess was Marissa. Then No. But If your third guess... Okay. Let me stop. It was Ray. It looked like he was debating whether to knock on my door or not. His head rose quickly.

"Come in." I walked backwards towards my bed and sat down. Leaving the door open this time.

"Are you okay." He asked suddenly. "You've been gone for fifteen minutes. I asked to take a break and to come up here. Without the fans."

I guess my mind isn't focused right now. Because I'm thinking has it really been that long?

"Well, Roc kissed me, a girl eaves-dropped and thought we were making out, then Roc kissed me on stage, and Zach broke up with me. He said that he found out Roc and I kissed when really he kissed me." I said it sounding sad, but not a single tear in my eye.

"Well, you know I am here for you." He gave me a side hug.

"Thanks." I saw someone on the side of my door. Okay. Who could really be eaves-dropping now. "Who's there?" I asked standing up. In walked my mom. It shocked me to the fullest. I guess I showed it because she gave me a hug. For the first time. This is what I needed; my mothers' hug. It held so much love i side it. I felt all the care in the world. I am now complete. I know that my mom is finally here for me.

I pulled back and looked into her eyes seeing nothing but sorrow and guilt in her soul. I wonder what made her come back to the house for my birthday party when she could be making money.

"I'm sorry, Laura." She said kissing my forehead.

"Its fine Mom." I said in a whisper. Out the corner of my eye I saw Ray leave the room; mother-daughter time. "Did you know dad was here?" Her eyebrows rose up. "C'mon. Lets go talk to him."

I walked us outside to where my father was. My mom walked to him and I saw a spark come alive.

What a night, huh?


Roc's P.O. V

"Am I jealous? Of Laura and Zach?" I asked the boys. They nodded their heads. "This can't be true! I'm Roc Royal. I don't get jealous. There are plenty of girls around the world. "

"Okay now you're letting fame get into your head." Prince said. He's our spokesperson and all, but it seems as if he's more quieter than me.

"No man. I just can process all this in my head right now. Prod, you got some advice?" I asked.

"Dude, sounds like you're in love." He stated. When he said that both Ray and I had a crazy look. Ray got up and went outside. What's his problem.

"Yeah. Anyways lets go tell Walt we're going to hit the court. Prince go get Ray and the basketball out the bus. " Me and Prod ran up the stairs and towards their room.

"How? We are still at the party you know!" Prince yelled. Oh yeah. I almost forgot. Oh well...We need a break.

"Do you hear that?" Prod asked.

I didn't hear a thing. But I did see something once I opened the door.

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