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It was almost 4 am on a Tuesday night and
San had classes in the morning. "Oh fuck this", he mumbled, rubbing his temples.
The last few weeks didn't exactly go well for him and the last thing his mind was able to do right now was to shut up and finally let him rest.

Even though his body was in desperate need of sleep, he still managed to get himself up. With a deep sigh he got up from his usually cosy bed, which seemed to have betrayed him for now. San slowly walked out of his pitch black room, into his kitchen next door. Just about to open his fridge to get himself some sleeping pills, his doorbell rang.

"Huh", San mumbled, checking his phone for the time: 4:05 AM.
Confused, he made his way through his small apartment to see who would be insane enough to ring someone's doorbell at fucking 4AM on a Tuesday. Slowly, he unlocked his door and opened it, what he saw left him speechless. Or better said, who he saw.



———————6 weeks earlier————————

"Omg look who finally decided to visit practice again!"

"Damn, no way"

"Fuck dude I thought you died or something"

"Did you get uglier?"

San grunted in annoyance, "Fuck off, I literally missed one practice game. Don't make a fuss".

His teammates chuckled but didn't really answer him.

It's better like that, he didn't feel like having a big conversation right now.

Actually he never did. San was his team's strongest player, their ace, but also the only one who didn't seem to be an ACTUAL part of the team. The rest of the members were like a close family, like brothers. They regularly went out to eat, had sleepovers, played games and did basically anything good friends would do. San on the other hand was only there to make them win and he liked it like that. The other guys on the team were unprofessional idiots, so he didn't feel the need to talk to any of them anyway.

"What's up bro"

Well almost..

"Nothing much really. My ankle feels good again though, so I'll be able to play the next game", he answered his only friend on the team, who happened to also be their captain. His name was-

"Hongjoong! The fuck are you doing over there? I told you to get your ass on the court and start with the practice! Your team is waiting!", their coach yelled from the other side of the court.

"We're coming!", the smaller man answered and quickly grabbed San to pull him with him.
The team included about 14 members. 7 of them being active players, including San, Hongjoong, Mingi, Yunho, Yeonjun, Mingyu and Wonwoo, whilst the others usually just warmed the bench.

Hongjoong and San joined the others on the familiar volleyball court. San let out a soft chuckle. He had only missed one game because of a sprained ankle but the others were right, it felt like an eternity. The court smelled like freedom to him. It was the only place where he could let go of all his problems and worry's.
It was the only place where he could breathe.

"Alright guys, as you can see we have our ace back in the game. San's ankle seems to have rested enough and he's able to join us again!", the captain interrupted San's peaceful thoughts and made him give his full attention to reality again.

"We'll start off with simple serves and receives! So hitters stay on this side of the court and receivers to the other. Let's make this practice work!", he announced. A mixture of "Yes hyung!" and "Will do" erupted seconds later.

San had always appreciated Hongjoong, from the moment they first met in the gym. He just had some kind of calming aura around him but still seemed to be strict and in control. For San, it felt like he was the only one actually taking volleyball seriously and not only as a college thing.

San knew he was good, knew he was strong and had talent. Still, volleyball was a team sport and if his teammates didn't give it their all, he would never make it to the nationals.

He sighed, took a ball and got into the line of the hitters. His turn now. He took three deep breaths.

He slowly closed his eyes

The world seemed to quiet down

"My turn"



"Oh come on, is that really necessary?", he whined, sitting in his favorite corner of the coffee shop. His seat was directly in front of a big window, which enabled him to have a perfect view of the outside. Or better said, inside. The coffee shop is called "Benchers" and is integrated in the big gym hall. From in there, Wooyoung had a perfect view of the volleyball court, without the actual need of sitting on the bleachers. Also the coffee was pretty cheap.

"I told you already, this is the only appointment they have left!", his best friend, Lee Felix, yelled back at him. "You should be grateful that I even take the time to do this shit for you, just because you aren't adulty enough to call the fucking salon yourself", he continued.

"Which is incredibly embarrassing I must say", his other friend joined the conversation.

"Oh please Jongho, I bet you never wanted pink hair in your life. It's harder to ask than you think.. It's so..-"


"Fuck you. Unique I wanted to say"

"Wooyoung please be serious for a second. Are you sure you actually want this hairstyle? I mean you don't even wanna ask a literal HAIR DRESSER about it..", Felix sighed, "Would you even feel comfortable enough to wear that color on your head?".

"Fuck you too. Of course! I'm handsome as fuck I can pull off any color I want. I just hate calling random salon's. It's the same for restaurants! Just because I don't wanna order, doesn't mean I don't wanna eat.", Wooyoung snapped back, before he grabbed the coffee out of Felix hand and turned to the window again. His friend sighed in defeat.

"Why are you even here? I thought San sprained his ankle", Jongho took a seat next to him and Felix. Wooyoung took a sip of his drink before replying, "Well, as you can see, my man is back on the court".

"Your man?", Jongho snarled, "Please, that muscle idiot doesn't even know your name"

"Looks pretty straight to me also", Felix agreed.

Wooyoung just rolled his eyes and focused on the court again. There he stood. The tall, muscular player with the number 100, Choi San. His man. Or not really. Wooyoung can't really remember when his simping for the older guy had started, maybe when he saw the low pricing of the coffee shop for the first time, but what he does know is that he'll be on top of him someday. It's not like he's in love with him or something, at last he doesn't even actually know him. It's just enough hotness for him to get horny just thinking about his strong arms and stupidly handsome face.

"I don't need him to be gay", Wooyoung took another sip, "I just want him to fuck me"

"You're gross"

"Fuck me till I can't breathe"




...To be continued

————————Authors note————————
Hey guys!!
This is my first ever story to write and english isn't my first language, so feel free to write some comments/ feedback! (I beg you)
I'm a quick writer, so if this story actually awakes some interest, I'll make sure to update every 2 days (1-2 chapters)!!
This is a very short chapter, kind of like an introduction to the whole thing, so don't worry! They'll get longer and most definitely spicier (;

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