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The gym hummed with anticipation as the teams took their positions on the court, the air charged with excitement for the upcoming match.

San stood at the net, his eyes focused and determined as he awaited the first serve, his teammates gathered around him, their voices a steady murmur of encouragement.

"Alright, guys, let's bring our A-game today," San called out, his voice firm but encouraging. "Stay focused, communicate"

Hongjoong patted his shoulder before turning towards his team, "Yeah guys, you heard him. He almost sounds like he's the one in charge, doesn't he"

San rolled his eyes.

His teammates nodded in agreement, their expressions resolute as they prepared to do battle on the court. Yoongi, the team's setter, stepped forward, his hands poised and ready as he eyed the incoming serve with a calculating gaze.

"Alright, everyone, eyes up," Yoongi called out, his voice calm but authoritative. "We've got this. Let's start strong and set the tone for the rest of the match."

As the opposing team served the ball, the mint haired sprang into action, expertly receiving the pass and setting it up for San, perfectly placed.

San's eyes lit up with determination as he launched himself into the air, his powerful spike sending the ball hurtling towards the opposing team with such force that they could do little but watch in awe.

The crowd erupted into cheers as the ball slammed into the floor on the opposing side of the net, scoring the first point of the match for San's team. The players exchanged high-fives and congratulatory pats on the back as they regrouped for the next serve, their confidence buoyed by their early success.

"Nice one, San!" one of the teammates called out, his voice filled with admiration.

"Great set, Yoongi!" another chimed in, offering a thumbs-up in Yoongi's direction.

The team's spirits were high as they returned to their positions on the court, their communication and teamwork evident in every move they made.

Even though San wasn't able to form a proper connection with his team, he still felt good being with them.

No matter how harsh he was on them, as a team, they still worked together beautifully.




When did the other team get so close to the match point?

As the game continued, San couldn't shake the nagging thoughts that plagued his mind. Despite his best efforts to focus on the game, his thoughts kept drifting back to the argument with his girlfriend and the unexpected encounter with Wooyoung the night before.

He felt a knot of frustration tightening in his chest, a distraction that he couldn't seem to shake no matter how hard he tried.

"San, you're up!" Yoongi's voice cut through the haze of his thoughts, snapping him back to reality.

San blinked, his mind momentarily blank as he realized that the ball was hurtling towards him with alarming speed. With a surge of adrenaline, he sprang into action, his muscles moving on instinct as he launched himself into the air to meet the incoming spike.

But his timing was off, his movements sluggish as he reached for the ball. It sailed past his outstretched arms, landing with a resounding thud on the court behind him as the opposing team scored yet another point.

San's frustration boiled over as he landed back on the ground, his jaw clenched with frustration as he cursed under his breath. He couldn't believe he had let himself get so distracted during a crucial moment in the match. Volleyball had always been his escape, his sanctuary from the chaos of his personal life, and now, even that seemed to be slipping through his fingers.

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