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The living room was filled with the chatter of the boys as they lounged around, munching on snacks and debating over what movie to watch. Felix sat beside Mingi, his eyes scanning through the options on the screen, while Seonghwa reclined comfortably in an armchair nearby. San and Wooyoung shared the couch, their proximity adding a subtle tension to the air.

"Come on, guys, can we please watch something that doesn't suck?" Felix groaned, tossing a bag of chips onto the coffee table.

Mingi shot back with a smirk, "Oh, like you have such great taste in movies, Felix. You literally put on 'titanic' last time I came over to study!"

Felix rolled his eyes, reaching for another handful of snacks. "At least it wasn't as bad as the horror movie Mingi picked. I swear, I couldn't sleep for a week after that. That dude is a menace"

Mingi laughed, unfazed by the teasing. "Seems like a you problem to me"

"Are y'all movie buddies or something? I thought you strictly met for studying?", Wooyoung asked as he ripped the remote from Felix's hand to scroll through Netflix.

"I can't concentrate without something playing in the background", Felix shrugged as he focused back onto his snacks.

San leaned back against the couch cushions, a bored glint in his eyes. "I don't care what we watch, as long as it's not another action movie. My brain needs a break from explosions and car chases."

Wooyoung chuckled, nudging San playfully. "What's wrong, San? Can't handle a little adrenaline?"

He wasn't entirely sure when the weird tension between them had died down but right now he felt rather relaxed next to the blonde.

Felix shot Wooyoung a mocking glare, his lips curling into a smirk. "Please, Wooyoung. I've seen you scream like a little girl during horror movies."

Wooyoung feigned offense, crossing his arms. "Bitch, that was one time, and it was a jump scare!"

The banter continued as they scrolled through the movie options, each boy advocating for their preferred genre.

Even though Wooyoung was in control of the remote at the moment, his concentration was weak as fuck, as he could feel every single breath San took next to him.

The elder was giving up such a strong aura, that Wooyoung wasn't sure if he wasn't actually a wizard or some shit.

As Wooyoung scrolled through the options on Netflix, he glanced around at the others in the room. Felix and Mingi seemed to be engrossed in their own debate over which snack to grab next, while Seonghwa leaned back in his armchair, watching the scene unfold with amusement.

The atmosphere in the room was relaxed, the soft glow of the TV casting a warm ambiance over them all. But for Wooyoung, there was something more, something electrifying about the proximity to San beside him.

His fingers hovered over the remote as he stole another glance at San.

The way the light danced across his features, illuminating the contours of his face, sent a flutter through Wooyoung's chest. San seemed so at ease, so effortlessly captivating, completely unaware of the effect he had on Wooyoung.

"Hey, what about this one?" Wooyoung suggested, his voice coming out a touch breathless as he gestured toward a classic comedy. He prayed that San would approve, that his choice would earn him a nod of agreement, a smile, anything to acknowledge their shared moment.

Oh god he was such a simp.

San's gaze flicked over to the screen, his lips quirking up in a small smile. "Not bad," he replied, his voice smooth and melodic. "But I'm not really the comedian.. Thriller, maybe?"

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