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The morning light gently filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow in the guest room where Wooyoung stirred awake.

Blinking sleep from his eyes, he surveyed the room with mild confusion before the realization slowly dawned on him—he wasn't in his own bed.


His attention was quickly drawn to the warmth beside him, and he turned to find San curled up next to him, looking as peaceful as ever in sleep.

There was something surreal about seeing San like this, vulnerable and unguarded in sleep. The lines of worry that often creased his brow were smoothed away, replaced by an expression of serene tranquility that tugged at Wooyoung's heartstrings.

In that moment, San looked unreal.

Despite his desire to stare at the other for a little longer, Wooyoung couldn't help but wake him up.

What day was today? Friday?

"Hey, San," he murmured, nudging the athlete gently. "Wake up. Yo, where are we?"

The others response was a sleepy mumble as he shifted slightly, his eyes fluttering open. "Mm, let me sleep," he groaned, trying to burrow deeper into the blankets.

Wooyoung wasn't about to let him off that easily. "Nope, not happening," he insisted, "Did I forget Sex or something?"

With a resigned sigh, San relented, his voice still heavy with sleep. "No sex. We're at Seonghwa's place," he mumbled. "You fell asleep mid-bite last night, so we crashed here."

Wooyoung couldn't help but chuckle at the image. "Oh right" he admitted sheepishly, earning a soft laugh from San.

As San snuggled closer to him, his murmured words drifting in the air, Wooyoung couldn't help but feel a surge of affection. San's presence was comforting, like a warm embrace on a cold winter morning.

Feeling San shift beside him, Wooyoung's smile widened as looked at the clock on the beside table, fingers deftly navigating the screen to check the time.

"What's the time?" San mumbled, his voice still heavy with sleep.

Wooyoung glanced at him, amusement dancing in his eyes. "It's 11:12 am," he replied, expecting San to simply hum and drift back into slumber.

But to his surprise, San's reaction was anything but expected. With a sudden jolt, San sat upright, his eyes wide with shock. Wooyoung watched him, puzzled by his sudden change in demeanor.

"Hyung?" Wooyoung asked, concern lacing his voice.

San looked at him, his expression a mixture of disbelief and panic. "The final exam," he said, his voice tinged with urgency. "Fuck, Wooyoung it's friday"

Wooyoung's eyes widened in realization, the weight of San's words sinking in. How could they have forgotten about the exam?

That was the one thing Wooyoung had been stressing about for weeks now.

Well, besides San.

As the gravity of the situation set in, Wooyoung felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through him. They couldn't afford to miss the exam—it was crucial.

Rising from the bed with a sense of urgency, Wooyoung began to gather his belongings, his mind racing with thoughts of how they could make it to the exam on time.

They weren't even on campus.

"We need to get ready," Wooyoung said, his voice firm as he turned to San. "We can't miss it, hurry the fuck up"

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